Difficult computer decision


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Established Member
20 Feb 2004
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In the eternally wet North
My wifes' iBook display is starting to fail. As you move the screen back, the image goes blank. Research points to failing cables and/or inverter. She does like her iBook. She likes the size, the key spacing. The latest gizmos hold no appeal. The amount of computing is limited to email, browsing and the odd letter. In an ideal world, she would go out and buy a new one. But Apple long discontinued them.

I can buy a used replacement screen from a company in the US. Looking at the instructions - rated Difficult :? - but doable. The cost after import duty (VAT is reclaimable) is about £120. A new MacBook will cost £600 (ex VAT). She doesn't particularly like the keyboard spacing but is very sanguine about it. If my recommendation is buy a new one then that's what we'll do.

There's the dilemma. Do we spend (gamble but good odds) the £110 on a new (but used) display and run the risk of something else failing later on or bite the bullet and get a new one.

And, sadly, the balance of £480 would not go towards more :tool:

Any suggestions to buy a PC will be met with a poke with a very sharp stick :wink:
Roger Sinden":699myltz said:
Any suggestions to buy a PC will be met with a poke with a very sharp stick :wink:
Spoilsport :D

Think I would be tempted buy the cheaper used screen particularly as your wife not keen on the new keyboard.

Cheers :D

As your wife is happy with the iBook and does not like the new ones, it seems that continuing with it is the sensible option. This in mind, though, soon or later something else will fail, possibly catastrophically. A new (second hand) screen can only be a stop gap. However this is a good option as it means that you can spend some time planning for the replacement and find one your wife does like.

Buy the screen then sit down with the Axminster catalogue and work out how you can spend the £330, (thats £480 - £150 consultancy fee :wink: )

or the third option is to buy a used ibook complete on ebay, you won't then have to worry about whether the screen fix will work, and using a firewire cable, and migration assistent you can swap all her data over in a jiffy, I would then keep the old broken ibook as a donor for any future parts.

But as you might guess roger, my choice would be to go for a new MacBook, they are great and i'm sure it wouldn't take too long for you mrs' to get used to the keyboard.
If it works and then fails when you move it I'd have thought the first step would be to check the connections to the screen. You'd feel a bit bad if you opened it to fit a replacement screen and found a ribbon cable not seated properly in its termination.
RobertMP":1znh7skd said:
If it works and then fails when you move it I'd have thought the first step would be to check the connections to the screen. You'd feel a bit bad if you opened it to fit a replacement screen and found a ribbon cable not seated properly in its termination.

When you see what you have to do to even get that far...- installation instructions - I'd probably gamble with having the screen to hand.

Thanks for the suggestions, everyone.

BB - second hand is a good idea but LOML prefers to see/touch/feel things in the flesh. Always uneasy with secondhand stuff...which makes justification for buying new and keeping up-to-date very easy :lol:

I've researched a bit more and as we can claim back the VAT and the display is the cheaper model that we need, the landed price in my hands is about £115. We're off for a day to Bath shortly and LOML wants to see a brand new MacBook in the flesh and we'll make a decision then. Can't quite see the logic since I've offered her the use of my second-hand MacBook but there you go :?

The US site which is truly awesome in terms of available spares, troubleshooting guides and instructions is http://www.ifixit.com

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