Did Secret Santa forget you?


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Mr Ed

Established Member
4 Nov 2007
Reaction score
If you participated in Secret Santa but have yet to receive a gift please PM me to let me know so I can chase up the individual concerned.

I know a couple of instances where things are en-route but clearly didn't make it in time, even so I'd like to know so I can make sure everyone gets their gift.

Cheers, Ed
Glad that you have started this, Ed. I sent my present out and have heard nothing (could be any number of good reasons for this of course), so I will be watching closely. I just hope it arrived safely.

to save you the trouble ed Ive checked with royal snail who say that although the "expected delivery date" was quoted as 2nd jan, they havent actually got their act together because they are too busy eating mince pies (not their exact words admittedly) and my SS ought to recieve his on "or arround" the 8th

Ho and indeed hum - next time I'll pay the extra for guaranteed 24hr

mind you after seeing the value and effort of the SS gifts on here in somer ways i'm quite glad its delayed - especially as my "victim" is a "man who has everything" and i'm both poor and relatively unskilled in the shop :(

also if someone out there like bob was my secret santa I havent acknowledge receipt yet because it went to work (as i was moving house) and i'm currently at the outlaws and not back at work till the 7th.
big soft moose":5bfnkmt3 said:
mind you after seeing the value and effort of the SS gifts on here in somer ways i'm quite glad its delayed - especially as my "victim" is a "man who has everything" and i'm both poor and relatively unskilled in the shop :.

I hope comments like that don't put people off getting involved next year.

I tried to make something and it didn't work out, so I bought something. No big deal. It really is the thought that counts. Not all of us get spoiled with woodworking related Christmas presents and to know that at least ONE of those presents under the tree is going to be a TOYOOL! ;)
wizer":1oav922e said:
big soft moose":1oav922e said:
mind you after seeing the value and effort of the SS gifts on here in somer ways i'm quite glad its delayed - especially as my "victim" is a "man who has everything" and i'm both poor and relatively unskilled in the shop :.

I hope comments like that don't put people off getting involved next year.

I tried to make something and it didn't work out, so I bought something. No big deal. It really is the thought that counts. Not all of us get spoiled with woodworking related Christmas presents and to know that at least ONE of those presents under the tree is going to be a TOYOOL! ;)

I agree and I didnt mean to put anyone off.

It is just that i am very aprehensive about the difference in skill level between myself and my "victim" and also the difference between his workshop full of shiny toys and anything i could afford to buy.

imo next year we ought to have a modest price limit on gifts, as while it is doubtless very nice to get a LN from secret santa it does make those of us who cant afford such feel a little small.
BSM - I think if you looked at the gifts which have been given, there hasn't been any real extravagances. No LN's passing hands (well, apart from a couple of dovetail markers :wink: ). There has been a lot of shop time spent on some of the gifts.

I was originally of the opinion that there should be some kind of "guideline" price. But on reflection I think Ed got it right - send something you'd be happy to receive yourself.


bsf wrote:
imo next year we ought to have a modest price limit on gifts, as while it is doubtless very nice to get a LN from secret santa it does make those of us who cant afford such feel a little small.
I agree. Even the purchase of a modest LN gift such as the dovetail marker is going to set the purchaser back nearly £30 (if postage and packing is taken into account) Whilst the SS event is a bit of seasonal fun, I reckon that a £ ceiling ought to be imposed where necessary, but most folk should be encouraged to make something regardless of their skill level as to my way of thinking, it's the thought that counts. The idea that someone spent a considerable amount of their valuable time making something in their 'shop for me, (whose 'shop is bereft of shiny things anyway) is what's important :wink: - Rob
karl":31476r83 said:
BSM - I think if you looked at the gifts which have been given, there hasn't been any real extravagances. No LN's passing hands (well, apart from a couple of dovetail markers :wink: ).



may be i got the wrong end of the stick but this looks like a big shiny plane to me

PaulO":31476r83 said:
Thanks very much to my SS, very kind but I would have preferred it if you had made something yourself.



i'm not knocking SS and it is very good of ed to organise it, but I think it was probably a mistake on my part to get involved. I dont have the money to buy a comparable gift nor the shop skills to build one. I just hope my guy doesnt open his parcel and think "what the **** is this" ?.
Hei BSM, PaulO,

I was 100% sure that it was a joke from PaulO, wasn't it? :shock:

Cheers Pedder
BSM - I think that picture was a wind up. If not, then i'm stunned.

Rob - I originally thought that way. But a "considerable amount of time" it would take to make a project this year was time that I spent working (being self employed). Haven't been in the 'shop (for recreational purposes at any rate) for nearly two months. If I were to spend my time making something, I may as well send the recipient an LN and get my arse back to work!

Food for thought in anticipation of next years event!


BSM if you had bought me a Ron Hock blade to make myself a marking knife I'd have been overjoyed. If you'd bought me a piece of Hawaiian Acacia Koa from Workshop Heaven, I'd have been extremely happy. A pair of Veritas Bench Dogs. I have 2, but 2 more would be useful to me. If you'd bought me one small bessey clamp, I'd be ecstatic. I thought about giving my recipient some of the Corby wood, but I knew he already had his own stash. Please forget about the amount of money. I really thing setting monetary guidelines will put more people off. Honestly bringing money into this is silly. It's about giving and recieving woodworking presents from our friends. We give and revieve information on this site every day and this scheme was a fantastic way to say thanks to everyone just by getting involved. If someone enters the SS scheme and expects an LN plane well that makes them pretty stupid. If someone wants to give an LN plane then that makes them extremely generous. It's not about giving to receive it's about joining in. Xmas makes me prety grumpy most years and this scheme really lifted my spirits.

Let's not ruin this for next year, I loved giving my present more then I did receiving it.

I have loads of ideas for low cost shop made tools that unskilled woodworkers (like me) can do. So if we do this next year, after the draw has been done, if people contact me I can give away a few of my ideas.
okay wizer enough said , and apologies to ed for the thread hijack.

I'm sure my guy will be big enough to take my lack of skill or money into account.
I didn't join in this year as I have no time as we will be moving very soon.
However I will be very keen to participate next year. By September my new planned workshop should be up and running and I will have the time. I think it was a fantastic idea and many thanks to Ed for all the organizing and to all the participants for the interesting posts.

Happy New Year

karl":2zas3262 said:
Rob - I originally thought that way. But a "considerable amount of time" it would take to make a project this year was time that I spent working (being self employed). Haven't been in the 'shop (for recreational purposes at any rate) for nearly two months. If I were to spend my time making something, I may as well send the recipient an LN and get my **** back to work!



Karl - you're right of course...didn't factor that in. Agree also with Tom's (Wizer's) sentiments. For me, the main thing is that's it's been a really good and worthwhile event, which has got to be repeated again next year. Many thanks again to Ed for organising it :eek:ccasion5: - Rob
Hi All,
Just when I thought that Santa had passed me by..... :( :(

Came home this afternoon to find a beautifully wrapped parcel waiting for me, wasn't expecting one this far after Xmas; opened it up und there nestling in a lovely bed of shavings was the MOST beautiful wheel marking gauge in rosewood and brass, simply wonderful!

To cap it all this was from a deputy Santa, you know who you are :lol:

Quite the nicest and most thoughtful present I've ever had, thank you so very much.
wizer":17hheokb said:
BSM if you had bought me a Ron Hock blade to make myself a marking knife I'd have been overjoyed. If you'd bought me a piece of Hawaiian Acacia Koa from Workshop Heaven, I'd have been extremely happy. A pair of Veritas Bench Dogs. I have 2, but 2 more would be useful to me. If you'd bought me one small bessey clamp, I'd be ecstatic. I thought about giving my recipient some of the Corby wood, but I knew he already had his own stash. Please forget about the amount of money. I really thing setting monetary guidelines will put more people off. Honestly bringing money into this is silly. It's about giving and recieving woodworking presents from our friends. We give and revieve information on this site every day and this scheme was a fantastic way to say thanks to everyone just by getting involved. If someone enters the SS scheme and expects an LN plane well that makes them pretty stupid. If someone wants to give an LN plane then that makes them extremely generous. It's not about giving to receive it's about joining in. Xmas makes me prety grumpy most years and this scheme really lifted my spirits.

Let's not ruin this for next year, I loved giving my present more then I did receiving it.

I have loads of ideas for low cost shop made tools that unskilled woodworkers (like me) can do. So if we do this next year, after the draw has been done, if people contact me I can give away a few of my ideas.

Hear, hear!

=D> =D> =D>
Benchwayze":2nee4h8o said:
wizer":2nee4h8o said:
BSM if you had bought me a Ron Hock blade to make myself a marking knife I'd have been overjoyed. If you'd bought me a piece of Hawaiian Acacia Koa from Workshop Heaven, I'd have been extremely happy. A pair of Veritas Bench Dogs. I have 2, but 2 more would be useful to me. If you'd bought me one small bessey clamp, I'd be ecstatic. I thought about giving my recipient some of the Corby wood, but I knew he already had his own stash. Please forget about the amount of money. I really thing setting monetary guidelines will put more people off. Honestly bringing money into this is silly. It's about giving and recieving woodworking presents from our friends. We give and revieve information on this site every day and this scheme was a fantastic way to say thanks to everyone just by getting involved. If someone enters the SS scheme and expects an LN plane well that makes them pretty stupid. If someone wants to give an LN plane then that makes them extremely generous. It's not about giving to receive it's about joining in. Xmas makes me prety grumpy most years and this scheme really lifted my spirits.

Let's not ruin this for next year, I loved giving my present more then I did receiving it.

I have loads of ideas for low cost shop made tools that unskilled woodworkers (like me) can do. So if we do this next year, after the draw has been done, if people contact me I can give away a few of my ideas.

Hear, hear!

=D> =D> =D>

Ive got over my wobble now - and thanks wizer for talking me down. ;) (a careeer at the samaritans awaits i thunk :D )