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Thanks for the info, gives me something to keep an eye out. From my research it seems the lack of noticeable difference between sharpening methods is pretty universally accepted :). I'm wanting to be pretty minimalist when it comes to any gear I get and I think with the information that's available it makes it quite easy to do. Hence the decision to upgrade from the combi stone to the diamond plates. :)

I was only planning on using the plates for bevel work anyway. I'd use sandpaper on top of my granite chopping board to initialise and flatten anything because it seems to be a lot easier. Once that's done I'd use the Diamond plates and the strop for the cutting edge.

My personal preference is to buy good quality tools and if that means paying a justified premium for it then I don't mind. Obviously I'm not a complete idiot yet (give it a few more bumps to the head and I might get there) so if something that costs a fiver is just as good or better as something that costs £100 than I'd save my money. This is where experience comes in something I am yet to gain so I turn to these wonderful forums filled with people with far more knowledge and experience than I have for sage advice. :)
