Damn Sainsbury's ad


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Established Member
20 Feb 2004
Reaction score
In the eternally wet North
Periodically my browser would slow down to a crawl and drag the rest of the computer with it. Finally pinned it down to that damn animated sainsbury's ad that sometimes appears at the bottom of the screen.
On this site. Looking at the thread on collection/delivery in a separate tab. I can monitor the performance of the two CPUs and the browser was consuming 150% of the available 200%. Closed that tab and went back to very low percentage. Opened up another tab and went to the same thread and that wretched ad was still at the bottom of the page and bingo cpu usage back up to 150% rendering the use of the computer to a crawl.

If this continues then I can't see me staying around for much longer as typing this, for example, would see each character appearing on the screen about one every two seconds. Bloody Google and double click. I'd rather pay a sub to use the site and get rid of the ads.
I dont see any ads at all ! didnt know there were any :shock:

But as in the advice given in the other thread I use Firefox with adblocker add in.

do you think so?

mmh i must admit i never noticed although i havnt done a speed comparison.
but i thought the idea was no ads= more speed?

Yes..but you have to use cpu cycles in order to realise that there is an ad that needs blocking perhaps? Not sure how the adblocker works but I've just disabled it and FF is now perky again. Until Sainsbury's pop up again.

Wouldn't it be great if someone in the US took out a class action against google for 'stealing electricity' because, by making your computer process all the junk ads that they send, you're wasting both time and money. I'd rather pay a sub to a forum and have no ads.

EDIT: Immediately I posted this, that b*****d Sainsbury's ad popped up again and so AdBlocker is back on.
Just done a quick trial but could not notice a difference in speed between the two.

are you using adblock plus?
firefox 3.5?

Everything speeded up when I installed it, so it's a keeper for me.

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