This MAY (or may not!) help, but on my lap top (Win 7) I use a USB optical mouse (i.e. with cable). That (same?) freezing happens to me from time to time.
For me the immediate fix was to simply unplug it then plug it in again - it happens on all 3 of the USB ports on my machine, and is accompanied by the "beep boop" sound.
Actually I posted on this subject a while back and CHJ kindly posted a fix for me. That fix worked, BUT so many other things went wonky afterwards that I went back to the original state and now just curse a bit, unplug and replug, then off we go again for another few hours/days/weeks.
I don't know what OS you have, but I'm having lots of other troubles with my Win 7 right now (mainly locking up when trying to do MS auto updates, and my regular weekly back up). The local PC "Witch Dr" is still in the midst of fixing it all and says this (ALL the above!) is quite a common problem with both Win 7 and 10.
I dunno myself, definitely NOT mysubject, but HTH.
(Edit: written as last answer above was posted. So at least you know you're not alone with such problems eh?