Craft fair fayre.

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Established Member
29 Oct 2008
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Norfolk, near the sea.
On the 27th of this month I have been roped into doing a 'rustic' fair by some friends who are helping to organise it. Although I've sold several pieces in the past(and given away many more) I've never put myself in the public eye before, so I am filled with trepidation.
Trouble is having only started turning last October, when I look at the things I made several months ago, that looked really good at the time,well they just don't now :shock: (the critical eye of improving at work).
So I've gone into production with my spare time as I need to fill a table........

I managed this lot yesterday, even with swelled up itchy hayfever eyes....

clcokwise from left to right, a rectangular sepele bowl, two cherry mushrooms,a small heavy mahogany bowl(along the lines of the one I posted last week), a footless/natural bottom bowl made from strawberry tree(given to me by a customer) and two oak spinning tops(one dyed with steel wool and vinegar).

Things that sell eaily at craft fairs:

Light pulls, mushrooms, keyrings, mice, hedgehogs, pens, small bowls, pencil pots.
Things that draw admiring glances and 'I wish' from punters,

Larger bowls & platters, ornamental work, anything over about £20, goblets

If you can knock up a bowlfull each of the smaller things and have some of the nicer things to draw attention you may sell the more expensive ones but the smaller things are what will get the money.


Thanks chaps
Time for some dull turning then :roll: Mushrooms here I come...

Bodrighy":aijm9ycf said:
If you can knock up a bowlfull each of the smaller things and have some of the nicer things to draw attention you may sell the more expensive ones but the smaller things are what will get the money. Pete

Thats what I figured Pete, still should be a giggle on the day and as long as we get the price of the table (only £5 I think) then I've wasted nothing but a Saturday :lol:

That quality of turning in only a few months! The turning world had better keep its eyes peeled for more excellent works!

I have attended hundreds of shows in the last 14 years and I have found that small bowls, dishes etc, not more than £5, are usually good selling points. They often lead to sales or orders for bigger things which cannot be bad.

I wish you all the best, above all keep smiling, welcome everyone (even when you are tired), always be ready to answer questions but above all, relax.

Regards, Peter.
Also remember that you will neverbe haoppy in retrospect with the work that you dio. I am on tenterhooks with each oiece tha I seel as I can see the faults. Perfection is like greener grass, it's always just over the hill. People who buy from the sort of sale you are talking about are looking at things that they don't do themselves so proably won't see those small imperfections that are glaringly obvious to you. Always aim to make things to the highest quality but don't despair of the smaler imperfections.

Layout is important too. Big and fancy things attract attention but people like to rummage though those baskets and the smaller things s keep big to the back and small to the front.. A sign saying 'Please touch' is often a good idea as well as it is contrary to what most people expect.

Thankyou Peter and Pete, I've just ordered some leather thongs for necklaces, so I'm going to use up some little offcut bits and bobs for pendants(should be quick and easy).

its all great stuff JT and hope it all sells for you.

A question, correct me if i'm wrong but how do you turn mushrooms with a natural edge if you dont turn it to round between centres before mounting it in the jaws? :?: surely this removes the bark doesn't it, it did with the yew i tried.
stevebuk":2gw07hvt said:
A question, correct me if i'm wrong but how do you turn mushrooms with a natural edge if you dont turn it to round between centres before mounting it in the jaws? :?:

Steve, I use small branches for mushrooms I just cut a length,put it in the jaws of the chuck, bring up the tail stock, form the cap leaving a bit near the live centre, then the stem and top of the base, then cut into the bark straitght with the skew to keep a nice clean edge,take away the tailstock tidy up the top , finally part off the base and just throw away the tiny piece that was in the jaws of the chuck.
Have a look in your local cemetery Steve, seriously. They often prune the yews and leave the smaller branches just lying around and they are ideal for mushrooms. Also hazel, blackthorn and hawthorn are good. Just use the little log as mentioned. No need to be too careful centring up. Takes about 7 or 8 minute for a mushroom and the great thing is as the real thing come in all sorts of shapes and sizes you can't really turn a bad shaped one.

Got some leather thonging and tried making some 'trendy' pendants for the craft fair.

From left to right, cherry with two cherry bracelets,two oak,two walnut,three spalted sycamore and two ash. The mushrooms are cherry and laburnum.

Sorry for the super lame photo, its getting dark out there!! :lol:

I'll see if I can knock up a couple of hedgehogs and mice tomorrow to show you. They take about 5 minutes each to do and sell well, especially if there are kids around.

Jewellery looks good so far.

Bodrighy":1vm2uhf4 said:
I'll see if I can knock up a couple of hedgehogs and mice tomorrow to show you. They take about 5 minutes each to do and sell well, especially if there are kids around.

Cheers Pete that would be really helpful 8)

Bodrighty":1vm2uhf4 said:
Jewellery looks good so far.

Thanks, its made mostly from bits and bobs off the floor found in the sawdust :lol: I'm hoping it will do ok at the craft fair, SWMBO has already nicked a necklace and bracelet and my sister popped in for a cuppa and also made off with a bracelet :roll: got to be a good sign though :D

ahhh......Craft fairs......don't get too over excited about them, the smaller ones rarely do anyone any favours.

'Village Hall' type fairs at £10/15 a table can sometimes bring in up to £100 or so, but more often than not £35-40 and sometimes not even that.

Ok, so you've got to start somewhere - and they're probably a good place to test the waters.

Don't sit behind a big pile of all your largest bowls and platters that you're so proud of, they won't sell......not at realistic prices anyway. Light pulls and Garden dibbers and Mushrooms and all the boring production stuff is what will pay the table fee, your petrol and maybe even a pint down the pub afterwards, look on the 'posh' stuff as a bonus.

Get your table set up nicely, if you're serious about selling your own stuff produce some promotional business giveaways, leaflets,business cards etc and you may pick up some leads/comissions.

I speak with experience here, we did 80+ shows last year, many of them the smaller type. This year only 30 or so booked - mostly Agricultural shows and the like and it's going better.

When you get to the show - 'Network' - horrible, I know - talk to other crafters, find out about other shows, which are good, which to'll pay in the longrun.

LW I'm nervous too :lol: , I will of course post what happens.

Chris,thanks for the advice, I'm really hoping that I can at least cover the cost of the table(£5 :lol: ) if we can do that I've only wasted time! In seriousness it's a bit more than a villiage hall craft fair, its a rustic fair and there will be many other things going on,including, falconry,traction engines and even a display by the local school gymnastics team! We figure this will at least mean a few extra people to look at my stuff than what you could expect at an out and out craft fair. TBH I would be well pleased if we took enough money for a decent chinese takeaway and a pint :oops:

Thanks Paul, I have to make more as I've already sold/given away a couple of them #-o
