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Geoff, as far as I know every vacuum cleaner sold in at least the last 80 years has been fitted with a universal motor, that is one with carbon brushes and an armature, there are several reasons for this one being the weight, an induction motor needed for a vac would be large and heavy compared to a universal motor, also speed, most standard induction motors run at around 1400rpm, the speed being governed by the frequency of the mains supply (generally 50Hz) some induction motors will do double that for example the one on my Coronet Major machine runs at around 2800rpm, whereas in a basic universal motor the max speed is governed by the resistance of the windings, for example the old hooverette cleaner used a universal motor running at 20,000rpm!

Numatic make the Henry cleaners and they all have universal motors, many bigger dust extractors do use induction motor but they work in a different way to a normal vac type cleaner or device.
