cor, what a day!

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11 Oct 2014
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I went to the big city today, to try to buy some bosch fine cut jigsaw blades. :roll:
First big tool shop = only milwaukee blades at milwaukee prices. :shock:
Second big tool shop (specialising in metal cutting machines) = nothing :roll:
Third tool shop, not big but only does woodworking tools. = nothing. :roll:
BUT... sitting at the back of the shop was a big old Harrison planer in 1960's green. Very good condition with minimal surface rust. I didnt want a planer I wanted a table saw, but this is very exciting. How much? 250 euro. HOW MUCH???? Theres me frantically trying to work out how to get a half ton machine in the back of my little Mazda demio, when he goes and bursts the bubble. 3 phase, he says, all calm like. I know, I can get an inverter, but theres none of them on the island and suddenly it aint worth the hassle to me.

I surrender. go back to meet the missus in ikea for food. On the way home we go into a large B&Q type establishment name of Leroy Merlin to buy a mains timer for the water heater. You people who go to France will know the name. Millions of items that I dont want anyof.
Guess what? no timer. :roll:

I find the bosch jigsaw blades, and theres at least a dozen types, but (you guessed it) not the ones I want to buy. I pick up a packet of almost rights and walk around the corner to go through the tool section on my way to the checkout. Guess what? Theres a bloody De Walt 745 looking straight at me. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Most of you know my everlasting attempt to buy a table saw. The last two dealers I spoke to in Cyprus quoted me 800 euro (special price my friend, just for you, my children wont be able to buy a new mercedes this year). This is the first time I have actually seen one. Been in this store many times and they have always had the cheapest of the cheap makes.
Then I see the price. 560 Euro. HOW MUCH????? Thats UK price. Its mine, its mine, its mine.
I sent the missus off for a trolley while I stood guard because i wasnt letting it out of my sight.

So, after over 2 years of effort, I went out for a packet of jigsaw blades and came back with a very early birthday present. =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

Oh, and in the excitement I left the jigsaw blades behind. (hammer) (hammer)
That's not how I thought the story would end, I thought you were gonna go shopping for the blades and end up seeing a power converter for the planer.

Nice one on the saw!

I love my DeWalt saw, think you made a smart purchase there.
Phew! At last. Well done Bob. So glad your search is over.

Leroy Merlin is all over Spain, too. There is some good stuff in there at decent prices.....but then again I guess there is in B&Q and Homebase. You're obviously going to have to visit more often.

Now just watch your bloody fingers........
Welcome to the 745 Club
We all hope it works Ok and is fairly level :D
My original plan was to buy it in the UK at easter and bring it back as another 22 kg suitcase. i had not actually seen the size of the box :shock: :shock: No way would BA let me fly with that as a suitcase, that would have been unusual package and a fortune in shipping.

The only drawback is I did not get a stand for it, and it certainly needs one. Its too high on the bench and too low on the floor.
so My first job with it is to chop up what wood I have to make a (very) basic table. My garage floor is very uneven, its stamped concrete and the drop from left to right is about 20 cm in 3 m. So i need something with a couple wheels to let me move it around like a wheelbarrow.

I managed to only make two cuts with it on 12 mm plywood, and I have never managed a cut that smooth since I started with wood. 4 hours on and I'm still smiling. :D :D :D :D
Good for you Bob. Very pleased for you mate. Those moments are few and far between. (hammer)
Awesome news Bob and a tale well told. So the sunnybob tablesaw saga comes to a close at long last. Still can’t figure out why you turned down that Wadkin I brought over for you but there’s no figuring some folk out!
You told me it got confiscated in customs! i bet you sold it on just to pay for your efes.

I have a case of EFES draught in the fridge. I know, draught in cans? But I might just open one tomorrow in celebration.

yup, its going to be very quiet around here now, cant think what you all will do with yourselves.
Move along now, nothing to see here. :roll: :roll: :roll:
Cordy... The fence adjuster needs some kind of lubrication, what do you sue?
Please dont say wd40, please?
Bob, get some chain lubricant from Halfords :)

Don't put wheels on your ts table
When I get home I will post a photo of my effort
Like you I'm on a warm island at the mo
Las Americas #-o
I have some special shiny tape that fixes to bottom of t/legs which lets it slide easy. will send you some if you want
Have you noticed that the fence can be flipped over for sawing wider pieces?
Nice to see you got your own way in the end, Bob!

I would definitely go back for that old Harrison though, lovely bits of kit and very rare. You'll be kicking yourself if you don't! Surely you can get ahold of a single phase motor in Cyprus?
Not TOO FAR off topic (by my standards anyway), but I've not seen Leroy Merlin in France (I only see another "famous" one there, who's name escapes me right now) but being desperate for some stuff while doing a project in Brazil a few years ago I did find two in Rio! Must be a big outfit.

But if they had that DW in your local branch I BET they've also got push pins too! GO ON "you KNOW it makes sense" (for that dolls house)!

Good story Bob, well done.
Cordy; aint no halfords in Cyprus :roll: :D but i get your drift. By the way, contrary to popular belief, we do get winters. The last three months have been double the average rainfall (my pool is overflowing and turning green) and temps are only around 15 midday. Roll on next month. 8)
I dont think slidey stuff will work on my workshop floor, its stamped concrete and its NOT FLAT by any stretch of the imagination. I could do with a couple of balloon wheelbarrow wheels.
Yes, I have played with the fence, I am very impressed with it. I'm also very pleased the mitre slots are standard size so I can use my UJK fence, and even the large osborne will fit.

Trevanion; I know, the harrison planer is a rare find, but I only have a single car garage as a workshop. It just wont fit.

AES; apart from 2 separate booze runs to calais about 20 years ago I have not been to france, so I'm not arguing the origin of Leroy Merlin, but when it opened up here thats what we were all told.
Anyway, cant stop here gassing all morning, I have a new toy to play with. =D> =D> =D>
OK sunnybob, but don't forget to go back to Leroy Merlin (AFTER you've finished playing with your new toy!) and pick up the almost OK jigsaw blades you forgot, AND a pushpin! :D
I've just seen how far I can push my luck... I looked up leroy merlin (it is headquartered in france) and found the dw745 on its website, fixed to a dewalt stand, for the same price I paid. So I called the store and by the way, they get 5 stars for customer service, and talked to the tools manager asking where my stand was. :roll:
He very politely told me the stand was not included but he could order one at a cost of 200 euro and a three week wait. (hammer) (hammer) (hammer)

Oh well, if you dont ask you dont get. 8) 8)
Wont be back there any time soon, its a 120 mile round trip and I always have to go to ikea when I do. :roll: :roll: