Refrigerators have a heater next to the door seal to stop condensation - you will probably hack through that even if you manage to miss all the coolant pipes.
I use a chest freezer as a refridgerator, with a cheap thermostat wired to an extension lead and that works very well. I add a cheap computer fan to circulate the air inside, and use it to hang several hundred kilos of pork or lamb at a time. There is quite often a fair amount of condensation the first day, and freezers have a drain plug to let the water out.
NB I only do this for a few days at a time, twice a year. The rest of the time it is a freezer again. There are rumours (usually from refrigeration engineers) that this is is a very bad thing to to do to a freezer long term, but but I couldn't tell you why. Something to do with coolant at the wrong temperature, but I'm hazy on the specifics. However, there are lots of internet people claiming that they use their freezer as a refrigerator long term without ill effects, and the internet never lies.