Some years ago I was considering carbide tipped wood turning tools, but when I saw the price, I balked. However, after a bit of research I found that RCGT inserts for cutting aluminium on metal lathes was plenty sharp enough for wood. And then I found that real savings could be had buying these directly via Aliexpress. For the local price of 2 here in Norway, I would get a pack of 10 from China, about same quality. If you can get hold of the 10 or 12 mm rods, square of round, you just have to get a metal lathe and ditto milling machine, and start production. And you'll have perfectly good ones for 2 or 3 quids. I've made quite a few for mates, but as the business genius I am, I end up just charging what I have paid for the materials. But I enjoy making them, including turning the handles, so the money is secondary. Bit of a wally, according to my sister, but so be it