Exactly, tax is tax, the only reason they are given different names is to make the tax burden appear less than it is. Income tax, car tax, VAT, PAYF tax.. they all go into the same pot. If instead of naming them they just called it tax and said "We will take 80% of every penny you earn" there would be an uproar, but by calling it a thousand different names and taking little slices here and there they get away with taking 80p in the pound off you and 99% of the population do not have the sense to realise that income tax is just a tiny fraction of what they are actually paying.
Its about time they got rid of all the tax recycling public sector workers which do nothing more than take tax in one hand, help themselves to a slice of it and hand what's left back to you in the other - Tax credits being a prime example! These pen pushers are doing nothing but syphon off revenue and every 2 people actually generating revenue (manufacturing) has to pay to keep one pen pusher in a job!
Next on the list should be the long term unemployed, the 2 & 3 generation families that have never lifted a finger in their lives, yes we all fall on hard times at one point or another but these sponging scum bags make a career out of it.. You should get benefits for 6 months and after that you should have to work for it - If the choice they had was work 40 hours a week cutting the park grass with a push mower to get unemployment benefit or work 40 hours a week for minimum wage you can bet there would be an awful lot of them get off their ass and find a job!
I ended up out of work, due the the state of the construction industry, the economy and other reasons I won't go into here it was clear that employment as an electrician was not going to happen. I started Happy House Cats as a means to get out of the benefit system, I started it up a just over a year ago with less than £100 and a government scheme where I got the dole money and an extra tenner a week, I put 70 to 80 hours a week of effort into it and after the scheme ended I lived on less than £40 a week to put every penny I can back into it.. Now it is starting to pay slowly, and I have managed to build a workshop and buy the tools I need to make cat wheels and furniture to expand and hopefully make enough that I can survive..
It sickens me to the pit of my stomach to see the same old faces going into the jobcentre, week after week, month after month, decade after decade, with tin of beer in one hand and cigarette in the other to collect a slice of my money so they can sit in front of sky TV all day doing begger all to benefit anyone and passing on the skills to screw the system to their offspring for when they reach benefit age.
Things are going to change, they have to, if we continue in the same way we are now the country will simply collapse. Common sense dictates that as a nation we cannot continue to spend twice as much money as we make, sooner or later the poop will hit the fan and it is starting to happen now.
See, this is why I should not let myself get drawn into politics discussions