Can anybody help me?

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Established Member
14 Feb 2006
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I don't get chance to do much turning, but I do enjoy it.

I have been asked to turn a couple of bowls. I bought some blanks from Scotish Hardwoods (ebay shop). They look lovely, nice big lumps of sycamore. The problem I have, which I need help solving, is one of the blanks is too big for my lathe and will not turn :evil: .

Is there anybody living somewhere near Redditch with a lathe that can turn blanks bigger than 10", that would not mind me popping over and taking about 1/2" off? They are wax sealed so I thought I would not use a plane, and I don't have a bandsaw, so I'm stuck.

So, can anybody help me?

Bob, how far is Redditch from Aylesbury, Bucks?
I assume your talking about the dia .of 10" not the height, if so have a Record BS300 bandsaw your more than welcome to use..

just checked Streetmap, and if your willing to travel the 60 odd miles the offer is open.

Thanks for the offer. Aylesbury is a good way from Redditch, probably more than I had in mind, thanks anyway.

10" is the diameter of the blank. Its just too much for my Perform lathe.

Are you sure? I have turned 11 1/2" on mine. Also, if you turn the head you can go as high as the lathe can stand. I've turned `14" over the side.

(Maybe that's why it's knackered and needs replacing :oops: )

Hi Bob,
did appreciate that is was a bit of a hike when I found out where Redditch was...
but like Pete said doesnt those Perform lathes have swivel heads?

hope you get it sorted either way
Pete, Neil, thanks for the responses.

Am I sure?........In a word, yes. I have the small (ok, cheap) Perform lathe, doesn't have a swivel head and has a 10" capacity. The blank will not turn, I have screwed the faceplate to it and tried to mount it on the lathe. It can't be perfectly round as it misses the bed in some places but not all. What I probably will do is use an old plane to take off the high points, I only need to take off enough to get it spinning.

Power sander?

I think I would mount it on the lathe and then turn it til it touches the bed, then roll back and sand that till it clears, then go back and check the next bit, repeated all around. That way you can save as much of the wood as possible.
Hi Bob,

I've got a cheapie electric planer I use for things like this. A few swipes and it's down to size.

You must have the little one then. As said, if it is partly spinning just saw / plane / sand the offening bit off enough to get it turning then Bob's your uncle

I hadn't thought of a power planer or a sander. My belt sander went to the great workshop in the sky but I have got a planer which never sees the light day so that's a good idea. I probably need to scrape the wax off first to prevent the planer getting gummed up. Try that tomorrow!

Paul. Thanks for the offer. I will try the planer first and if that proves ineffective I will take you up.

Thanks all for the suggestions.
