Buying Sycamore

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The Tattooed One
26 Apr 2009
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
OK so I'm struggling to find a single timber supplier who does cherry, sycamore, and black walnut in sawn boards, Yandles seems to be one of the rare ones.

Anyhow - I will need to buy blind, so perhaps trusting one of the smaller suppliers might be beneficial as they hopefully won't just grab the first board. I'm struggling with trying to understand pricing at the moment though.

Yandles is £44 cu/ft, Timberline is similar but also sells "Near clear" for a roughly 50% premium, and one other place I know that has some really clean sycamore is about £120cu/ft.

Are these prices "about right" (they include VAT)? Does anyone have a specific timberyard they use for good grade sycamore?
Well that stopped me as well, I just rang my go to place and they don’t do sycamore at all anymore, very little call for it – I nearly said I was calling ha ha. He recommended Whitmore's in Leicestershire. No I don’t know.
The prices you quoted had it been oak and I can’t see why it should be very much different, the £44 would be about right.
I used to buy sycamore from WL West and ~sons in West Sussex

they used to have Sycamore dried with heated platens.

the big danger with sycamore is stick marks -it can be really bad, their timber was clear white the whole length -far whiter than maple which is often pink when sat next to it

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