Right next instalment...
Thursday the roofers were left to felt the whole roof, they had to take felt over where I originally had a cavity wall between the old extension and garage as the builder had removed the capping stones (blue house roof shaped blocks) down to new roof top level.
The spec called for lead flashing all along the house but the builder asked the sub contractor roofer for felt and thats what he got.
So it looks like the builder will be putting lead over the felt sometime soon.
To be continued...
Thursday the roofers were left to felt the whole roof, they had to take felt over where I originally had a cavity wall between the old extension and garage as the builder had removed the capping stones (blue house roof shaped blocks) down to new roof top level.
The spec called for lead flashing all along the house but the builder asked the sub contractor roofer for felt and thats what he got.
So it looks like the builder will be putting lead over the felt sometime soon.
To be continued...