I have a 3/8 Robert Sorby standard bowl gouge (ie not fingernail) which I'm slowly getting better at using.
Its quite deep fluted compared to some bowl gouges I've seen on youtube videos...but thats how it is.
I've been trying to grind two different shapes at the tip...either pointier or flatter across (as seen from directly above) ..to see which I prefer and what the difference in gouge behaviour is like.
Given that neither my skill with grinding nor my skill with the gouge is either great or consistent (but getting better) it's difficult for me to tell if I'm fooling myself or not.
It seems, so far, like a flatter across, less 'pointy' nose is better in terms of flexibility on the majority of bowl cuts, but far worse (more difficult to maneouvre) at the transitions to the flatter area at the bootom of the interior of curvy bowls.
Is this just me? Or does a differing nose profile make some shapes of cut easier than others?
Any advice / opinions welcome

Its quite deep fluted compared to some bowl gouges I've seen on youtube videos...but thats how it is.
I've been trying to grind two different shapes at the tip...either pointier or flatter across (as seen from directly above) ..to see which I prefer and what the difference in gouge behaviour is like.
Given that neither my skill with grinding nor my skill with the gouge is either great or consistent (but getting better) it's difficult for me to tell if I'm fooling myself or not.
It seems, so far, like a flatter across, less 'pointy' nose is better in terms of flexibility on the majority of bowl cuts, but far worse (more difficult to maneouvre) at the transitions to the flatter area at the bootom of the interior of curvy bowls.
Is this just me? Or does a differing nose profile make some shapes of cut easier than others?
Any advice / opinions welcome