In my opinion that is a total waste of money because once you get to a certain level of mitre saw then they all do the job and it is just peoples hands on that makes the buying decision. If buying a new mitre saw today I think it would be the Bosch
GCM 12 GDL Mitre Saw | Bosch Professional as it solves my only issue with my current saw which is distance to the wall behind.
Value is subjective and up to the consumer to decide. True, all will cut and the Bosch and DeWalt have larger blades, but my decision to replace the DeWalt was based on quantitative evaluation. My shop is part of my basement with no windows for fresh air. Any dust I create and don't capture could make its way to the rest of my house, which would not be good for me on several levels.
I don't care about the chips and chunks I see on the table or floor, it's the small stuff floating around that I can't see that bothers me. I use a Dylos air quality meter to monitor the bad dust in my shop and it sits on the bench about a meter from the saw. When the small particle count exceeds 750-1000 above ambient, I stop working and let the ceiling-mounted air filter do its job. With the DeWalt, I could cut for about five minutes before I had to take a break. With the Festool Kapex, I ran out of work before I had to take a break.
The highest small particle count above ambient I ever noticed with the Kapex was about 250, and this was after about 45 minutes of cutting. There were plenty of chips on and around the saw, but none that I know of in my lungs or floating around the rest of the house.
When my shop was going to be in my garage, my first choice of saws was the Bosch. None of the stores or online shops had one in stock, so I went with Plan B, which was the DeWalt. When my shop location changed to the basement, I had to go with Plan C, which was the Kapex. For me, it was money well spent and now the volume of work determines the duration of use and not the volume of nasty dust.