Biscuit Jointer Advise

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4 Feb 2010
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Hi not been on here for a while, just been so busy in the workshop. So to that end i was in the workshop the other day jointing some wood together for a table top i had only done only 10 or so bisciut slots and the motor of my biscuit jointer decided it had enough and expire. So now i'm looking for another bisciut jointer.
i've been looking through various catalogues and the good old interweb, The prices vary quite alot and decided to go for a medium priced machine in the shape of the dewalt dw682k
The thing i would like to know is if anyone has one of these jointers from dewalt, if so may i please have some feedback, It will be nice to know if you get on with it ok and whether you've had any problems with it. Thanks for any help

I find my DW spot on. No problems to date but in fairness I'm not using it in a professional context so others may have more refined opinions

Hi router mad
I brought the dewalt over the trend, and use mine nearly every day, set up is easy and its never missed a heartbeat, imho you could do a lot worse.
I've got the dewalw and as a civilian, i.e. not someone who makes a living through woodworking, I find it great..

:D - apart from the lapse where I managed to redesign the end of my index finger with it,,,,

sets up easy, simple to clean and easy to maintain.
If you want to push the boat out a bit more, consider one of the Lamello range. I use an older C2 model and it's a precision bit of kit - Rob
I've had the Makita model (the Bosch is almost identical) for over two-years now and I can't fault it. :)
Thanks for all the replies and you've all made my mind up for me. To that end i've ordered one today.
Lets hope i'll get many years of use out of the dewalt jointer when it arrives.



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