Bezier - How do I control it?

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Established Member
21 Jun 2005
Reaction score
Bideford, North Devon
Hi. :D

I have been playing around with this bezier thingy, but I am unable to control it. :evil:

I connect the start & end points. =D> Then when I pull it out I have no idea which way the line is going, ](*,) I don't always know where the end point is. :shock: Curve control, no way. :x

I have looked on the web, but I have been unable to find anything. :-k

Please, can someone help me. [-o<
Gary, a Bezier curve can occupy 3D space so it can be tough to draw it in 2D. The easiest way I have found is to start with a large rectangle. Draw the curve on it and then delete what you don't need.
Yes, the Bezier plugin is far from ideal. Dave's advice is good, because the points you indicate can snap to the plane of the rectangle.

A bit of Bezier curve theory helps too. The curve is defined by the number of points through which it passes (which you can specify in the VCB) and the tangent at each point. In addition, the amount by which the curve "sticks" to that tangent is also definable, by pulling the handles out. The more tha handles are pulled out, the tighter the curve sticks to the tangent, and therefore the tighter the bend when it approaches the next tangent.

To be honest, this is just about the only thing for which I still use AutoCAD, which has much better, and more understandable, control.