Best finishing oil for pepper grinder

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Established Member
15 May 2023
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I have been using Hampshire Sheen food safe Danish on other projects, but find that it takes a few days for it to become completely odour free.
Is there another food safe product that will be odour free from the start, or at least after 1or 2 days?
You might also try mineral oil as used on many cutting boards. It is a non-hardening oil so, if in regular contact with water, it will need a wipe down with more mineral oil from time to time but that is a 30 sec job. Not sure if chestnut oil is a hardening oil.
I checked the Chestnut Food Safe Oil data sheet, which shows it to be a mineral oil - petroleum based. So not made out of chestnuts 😉
If something is going to be handled by hot hands the oil needs to be properly 'cured' which probably needs 5 days anyway. Could you make the grinder a few days before you need it?
I checked the Chestnut Food Safe Oil data sheet, which shows it to be a mineral oil - petroleum based. So not made out of chestnuts 😉
This is frankly unbelievable! What on earth are the "Advertising Standards" agencies doing? Playing Minecraft 8 hours a day?
How can they call mineral oil, Chestnut oil??
Baby oil... ok ok, you can roast coat babies in baby oil, but you wouldn't roast or coat chestnuts in mineral oil!
Snake oil? Well, the traditional Western definition is that it is something that doesn't actually exist or is fake. Obviously, the Chinese know different, or perhaps they also use mineral oil these days :)
Just goes to show, you can't believe any advertising these days.... just take a hard look at most TV ads these days to see the truth of this.
If something is going to be handled by hot hands the oil needs to be properly 'cured' which probably needs 5 days anyway. Could you make the grinder a few days before you need it?
The food safe oil I have been using has a pleasant smell, but it hangs around for more than 5 days. Maybe I am applying it incorrectly.
I’m going to try he chestnut oil and will allow curing time, and see how it goes..,
Is there another food safe product that will be odour free from the start, or at least after 1or 2 days?
Externally, use AC Lacquer, or even pre-cat lacquer. Neither are oil, but they're both durable and lacquers are available in spray cans for small projects. Slainte.
If the "Chestnut Oil" is mineral oil, then you may be waiting a tad longer than 5 days for it to cure :sneaky: Mineral Oil is a non-curing oil.
Frankly, you'd be better off with Danish Oil (or some similar proprietary oil blend), if you want the oil to cure and you're prepared to wait a few days.

Just remember that Danish Oil is not made with Danes and is not intended for roasting or coating of same!

Actually, there is no fixed recipe for Danish oil, most companies have their own and they don't divulge the detailed recipe.
Stumpy Nubs has done a good short video on this subject (). Check out some of his other videos too, if you like, he knows his stuff!
You were doing so well until this
Check out some of his other videos too, if you like, he knows his stuff!
He's the woodworkers equivalent of Stephen Fry..sounds like an expert, unless you already knew what he "discovered".
Got a lot of planes though..well arranged behind him..looks like a plane shop..

You want a youtuber woodworker who knows what he's talking about, try @petermillard of this parish. :)
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If the "Chestnut Oil" is mineral oil, then you may be waiting a tad longer than 5 days for it to cure :sneaky: Mineral Oil is a non-curing oil.
Frankly, you'd be better off with Danish Oil (or some similar proprietary oil blend), if you want the oil to cure and you're prepared to wait a few days.

Just remember that Danish Oil is not made with Danes and is not intended for roasting or coating of same!

Actually, there is no fixed recipe for Danish oil, most companies have their own and they don't divulge the detailed recipe.
Stumpy Nubs has done a good short video on this subject (). Check out some of his other videos too, if you like, he knows his stuff!

Thanks for the suggestion.
'curing' was probably the wrong word to use, Drying time is specified as 2 hours, so I'm guessing it will be fairly stable after 2-3 days. Its meant to be odour free, which is what I want.
I've been using Danish oil, and want to move on from that for this project. I used Danish oil for cabinets, chest of drawers etc. I've also used Deks Olje quite a bit in a marine environment, so some familiarity there
There's other people here who have very interesting youtube channels too, ( hand tools,power tools , finishing etc ) but they don't post so often of late..Mr Makery ? ( might have got his name wrong ) comes to mind.
Well. At least Oil of Olay isn't made from olays.:)
that's the one where the lady spreading it on herself always got my undivided attention..many tv ads ( here, and in the UK and elsewhere ) did / do that to my attention..I used to be in the ad business ( freelancer ) , amongst other things making TV ads and photo shoots , fashion, record covers, music vids etc..takes me back... :cool:

.now ..where were we ..
You were doing so well until this

He's the woodworkers equivalent of Stephen Fry..sounds like an expert, unless you already knew what he "discovered".
Got a lot of planes though..well arranged behind him..looks like a plane shop..

You want a youtuber woodworker who knows what he's talking about, try @petermillard of this parish. :)
Hehe; If you already know what an expert has discovered then that makes you an expert too!
I'm a lot older than Mr Nubs..have been working with wood ( and other media, materials, primarily as a sculptor , designer , artist ) since probably before his father saw a have many others here..getting paid ( making a living from what one makes ) is a far better guide to competence.than getting eyeballs and ad revenuer from a youtube channel where one merely talks about "how to do" and pushes affiliate products.
Very many here have forgotten more than most of the youtube "experts" will ever know.*

read all the old threads..go back years..around two decades and work forwards..get distracted and go down interesting side paths...there is a wealth of knowledge in them.

* Applies to most of the subjects ( creative and artisanal, maker etc ) and most of the youtube "experts".

We ( speaking in general ) don't pretend to be experts, nor do we play them on youtube or elsewhere.
i'm more impressed by people's books and their work than their followers.way harder to get a book published ( unless self publishing, which even so requires putting one's money up to print it ) than creating a youtube video, that can be done for nothing..all eyeballs count towards the income as long as the ads roll before and during..
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