The, ahem, economical workbench I bought these many years ago does OK, especially since I wedged it up against the wall and loaded the shelf with a ton of hardwood offcuts (eventual box-making, for the use of).
The vises, on the other hand, are junk. They are roughly (very, very roughly) similar to this Veritas one: ... 41661&ap=1
The end vise isn't so bad, but the face vise is appaling - the front jaw won't square up to the bench edge, either open or closed, and it racks further out of square in all axes when you try to clamp anything.
My inclination is to remove it, burn it, and jump up and down on its grave. Questions then:
1. Is there any point in attempting to fix this, and if so, how?
2. Any good pointers to books or websites with instructions/guidelines on fitting a new vice? I'm pretty sure I want a steel-jawed vise with some sort of automatic/quick-release feature, very possibly this one: ... 41&recno=6
All thoughts welcome.