Bench Grinder Advice please

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Established Member
12 Oct 2022
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Looking for a grinder to re-establish primary bevels on my old plane blades and chisels etc. Looking at a second hand RSBG8 for £70. I can’t see myself spending more than £100 ish.
Any suggestions or advice would be really appreciated, thank you.
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just get a low speed grinder....
u'll have to look hard for a used one tho.....def 8" wheels if u can......
mine made all the other wet stone type grinders and the like obsolete.....
Looking for a grinder to re-establish primary bevels on my old plane blades and chisels etc. Looking at a second hand RSBG8 for £70. I can’t see myself spending more than £100 ish.
Any suggestions or advice would be really appreciated, thank you.
I’ve got that grinder and the slow speed record one I’m looking at parting with in the next week or so. If you are interested, I’m in Wiltshire, not far from Bath.
Looking for a grinder to re-establish primary bevels on my old plane blades and chisels etc. Looking at a second hand RSBG8 for £70. I can’t see myself spending more than £100 ish.
Any suggestions or advice would be really appreciated, thank you.

Screw-fix have a Titan bench grinder for £20. If you're only using it for re-establishing bevels, like me, it might be worth it, and at £20 too. What's 20-quid these days?

Only thing I'll say is the tool-rest is too narrow and is fenced on the side, for some reason, so you can't run a plane iron alone it, but it took me 10 minutes to chop a block of wood at 25° to use as a tool-rest.
Screw-fix have a Titan bench grinder for £20. If you're only using it for re-establishing bevels, like me, it might be worth it, and at £20 too. What's 20-quid these days?
I just had a look at this one and it looks fine if you're establishing bevels. If you want to wood turn though I would pay a little extra and get the £55 200mm one.
Thank you all for your replies. Sorry, I’ve been away and haven’t had a chance to respond. It sounds like the bigger, slower and wetter, the better!
The one I was interested in on Marketplace has sold now, I’ll keep my eyes out for another one.
I suggest looking for an 8" regular grinder, one with a fairly beefy motor,
that'd be likely more evident on the 6" ones, where the motors can be undersized looking,
but probably the case with the 8" versions too.
If you can one used, with good amount of the wheels for cheap, then that's what I'd be looking for.
I made a Wolverine style tool rest for mine, it makes it very nice to use for chisels or plane irons.

You'll might use a grinder a whole lot if you get one, what's not like the slow speed Tormek types,
which need to be set up, for the likes of awls punches, drill bits, garden tools, etc.
some rough kinda stuff wot might gunk up or unevenly wear a real expensive whetstone wheel.

Another thing what's worth consideration is the positioning of the tool,
lesser height, equals lesser amount grit shed, and worth noting the white or pink regular bench grinder wheels, tend to be for fancy tools only, and are worse for that compared to the bog standard.
I have a bench about knee height which the plywood plate gets clamped to, I'd choose something like laminate again, as it is a bit of a pain to sweep out grit.

Wherever you choose, best to have safe provisions for a water bucket very near the tool.
I use half an old 2 liter bleach container with a stone, on the floor,

If you're thinking of turning, then that's where one might want to research.

Good luck
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Looking for a grinder to re-establish primary bevels on my old plane blades and chisels etc. Looking at a second hand RSBG8 for £70. I can’t see myself spending more than £100 ish.
Any suggestions or advice would be really appreciated, thank you.
This is a generic chinese grinder sold under different brands. Record only specify the colurs and buy in but it's been reviewed in a few places, is fairly powerful and a decent grinder for the price. It is perfectly well suited to your needs.
Mine had been stored somewhere damp along the supply line and I found corrosion on the spindles when I took the wheels off to swap to CBN. The wheels had to be hammered off !
Record aftersales support are idiots. I complained and the retailer quickly arranged for record to collect for repair or replacement. Although the initial customer service contact was good all the repair dept did was rub some rust off the spindles and refitted the same wheels that I had hammered to get them off. Properly laid into with a claw hammer that is. As I explicitly told them what I'd had to do to get the wheels off I was annoyed. Great service, send your customer back some wheels that are potentially going to shatter in their face !
Wheels went straight in the bin, grinder works OK, but if you buy from Record, buy new so you can demand a refund if necessary and don't expect much else.

£70 is far too much to pay for a used commodity item like this by the way. 40 to 50% saving is expected buying used.