Bandsaw question..

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Established Member
4 Oct 2020
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Freind has a Laguna bandsaw that has a double 100mm DX ports

I'm of the thought that one needs to be an inlet and the other an outlet.

I cannot see how the blade aperture can allow enough airflow to allow the DX to function properly?

He's shown m pics of both top and bottom outlets connected via Y piece to a DX I cannot see how this is right.
Mine only has 1 port and is served by the opening for the blade, I would have thought a 2nd port would reduce the suction at both ports
I guess it depends on how much air can get into the saw, mine has quite a big aperture around the lower guides so extracts quite well.
If one were an inlet and one an outlet, the air is lazy and will take the easiest and shortest path between the two.

If that path does not pass near the sawdust, where is the dust going to go?
I have a Laguna 14BX which has two extraction ports and have the same set up as your friend (Y-tube) then 100mm hose into a 3HP extractor - dust collection is very good.
Top one is collecting by the lower bearings so at the source of the dust and the other collects at the bottom of the cabinet. A better setup than a single collection port. Lots of people with single port extraction rig up home made top ports to improve things.