Can I suggest that you gift her the money and let her choose it herself.
Trying to buy a technical gift for someone who knows more about her subject, her needs and preferences than you do, based on the opinions of strangers, sounds like a recipe for disaster.
If she doesn't know, it will help her if she has to research a little and make her own informed choice.
If she makes the purchase herself with money gifted, her consumer rights are much stronger than if you buy for her. She's not party to your contract so has no rights at all as recipient, just some limited protection depending on the terms of sale from the seller you buy from.
Oh, and as pointed out by Martin Lewis on the TV the other day :
Distance selling regulations give a buyer 15 days to decide if they want to keep something and if not, to give written notice to the vendor. They then have a further 15 days to return it.
If you buy a bandsaw for your daughter for Christmas and send it to her, there's a real chance that your 15 day right of return window will have expired before she can receive it + have time to set it up + try it out and find there's something that really doesn't suit her. She then may have to agonise and go through you to notify a return all within that 15 days and at Christmas.
Let her choose and better, let her buy it.