Bad luck comes in.....fours

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Established Member
13 Sep 2013
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Tunbridge Wells
Those of you who may remember me will recall that back in September I had an accident at work and subsequently was diagnosed as Type 2 Diabetic.

Radical changes to my diet seemed to get things under control and I was back on my feet again by the end of the month.

Then the shyte hit the fan.

It started with a workshop fire which subsequently turned out to be teenage 'mischief' that got way out of control - early season fireworks fired at close range targeting the workshop and there you have it!!

Loss of stock and gear to the tune of about £15k and the need for new temporary premises.

During the three day move the van gets nicked - fortunately it mainly contained rubbish that was destined for the tip but I did lose two workmates, an MFT table and both my 3m guide rails.

Bad luck item no 3 came after the workshop was rebuilt and re-equipped and ready to go only for a connection to the sink to pop loose and turn the newly stocked w/shop into a six inch deep swimming pool. (This one actually looked a lot worse than it really was - very little damage due to learning from experience and making sure that EVERYTHING is on feet off the floor).

Number 4 - not so much bad luck, just gut-wrenchingly tragic - a much beloved Uncle who had been struggling with depression took his own life. He was probably the person in my family who I was closest too - my fishing buddy, fellow gourmand, gig partner (he introduced me to Black Sabbath, Nazareth and Fleetwood Mac at a very early age) and all round loveable rogue.

So to be honest it's been a truly appalling five months or so.

I very nearly decided to pack the joinery in, but what else can I do? It's all I know really and I need to be busy now more than ever.

The diabetes is under control, the workshop dry and ready to rock, I've got a Spotify playlist in honour of late Uncle Pete loaded up and ready to play and an order book thats starting to fill up.

So I'm back at it.

I'm also having a major clearout and rationalising a lot of gear - trying to streamline things a bit.

To all those who were promised some of the free old tools my apologies. I'm not sure if they're still here or not. If they surface I'll go back over the old posts and get them sent out but don't hold your breath.....

It's nice to be back. What have I missed?
Sorry to hear of your troubles Zed. Seems trite to offer any words of comfort after all you've been through but at least you have the diabetes under control and you have the strength of character to bounce back. Good on ya. Welcome back fella.
That's a tough stretch, you're overdue some good fortune and let's hope it starts right now!

Welcome back.
Well that sucks, glad you've managed to come out of it with a positive outlook. As for the teenage 'mischief' makers, I've had about as much as I can take of that bloody lot in recent months :evil: Bring back corporal punishment I say! <mutter mutter>
As a fellow diabetic , Zed, congrats on getting it under control, I know how much effort that takes. And you do have to keep it up for the rest of your days. Don't fall into the trap i once did of thinking it was all under control and ignore testing etc., only to end up in a near coma when over the pond. But the good news is that it can be done and need not stop you doing things you love.

You really have had a catalogue of disasters. So sorry, and I hope 2017 brings far better fortune. I am impressed by the way you are coping.

best, Keith
Great to have you back, like the staying goes; if it doesn't kill you it only makes you stronger, sounds like it can and will only get better and better.
Here's looking forward to a terrific 2017-18, and maximising every opportunity that will come your way =D>

Bloody hell, sorry to hear that Zed. I hope things are looking better for the future. I expect streamlining the workshop will help; clear space, clear mind and all that. Welcome back to the forum :)
Strewth. Never rains but it pours, eh? And why does life have this depressing habit of kicking you when you're down?

Good on you for fighting back, and I hope things continue to improve.

As to what you've missed - well, we've been dangerously close to a few arguments about a certain subject beginning with 's', but there's been some interesting bits and bats as well!
You keep on rocking mate- sounds like you've been to hell and back. Hope some good luck comes your way.
I've been totally pssed off all day because some oak mouldings I made yesterday warped to bits overnight. Your post has given me a bit of well needed perspective. I really hope stuff improves for you Zed.
You'll look back in a few years and be amazed at how strong you were during this time. Sorry to hear about your uncle - he sounded like a lot of fun. I hope that you still have lots more good people around you to support you and help you along.

All the best.
Depression is an absolute bear. DAMHIKT. You are doing the right things in being active and looking forward, making plans. Go for it Fella. =D>

Sorry to hear what you've been through Zed, you've had it tough.

I'm new to the forum but looking forward to reading more from you.

Wishing you well.

I was going to say "At least it can;t get worse", but given your recent circumstances maybe I should refrain.

Hope no more catastrophes befall you at least until you are caught up on the current one.
Thanks for the kind words chaps (and any chap-esses).

Today will be a good day - going fishing with a bunch of my late Uncles old cronies.

It's hopefully the first of an annual get-together to have a fishing session in his memory. Ironically it's the day after the River Season closes, but that kind of fits in with the way he used to plan things - chaotically.

We'll be following it up with a meat-fest of a barbeque and finally a lock-in at the local.

And all on a school night.......

Next week I start a contract for a private developer building four Oak Frame garages, installing Oak panelling to an underground cinema room and making three hand made kitchens - I reckon thats about 4 months work of work right there, and all in beautiful rural surroundings.

So things are looking good right now (for a change!)

Biliphuster":1c9egl1q said:
I was going to say "At least it can;t get worse", but given your recent circumstances maybe I should refrain.
After a lousy 2016, I was going to say 2017 couldn't be worse, but decided to refrain too. Dead right - ended up in the local hospital at exactly the same time as my daughter, both being checked for cancer. Thank heavens she came out clear, but my prostate failed the test. And there is still the idiocy of Brexit which is destroying her business.

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