Mental out there.
Example, Timbmet, run out of 18mm MR MDF. Till sometime in Jan
Panic buying of materials.
I'm guilty. Just bought about 10 x more sheet material than usual, 2000 mag catches, 1000 hinges, 200 runners.
I am a big believer in planning. Not to the point where I would fill my car with bog roll, but carrying a few extra meals for the family in the cupboard is prudent during the winter (particularly this one). A tin of soup, tin of toms, some part baked bread, bag of risotto rice. A fivers worth of stuff, but still considered by some as panic buying. If a neighbour needs it, they are welcome to it.
if you dont have materials, it isnt only you that will suffer. the guys that work for you will have no work, the subcontractors that you call in for fitting, transport etc will be affected. I dont see what you are doing as panic buying. There is obviously a cost to it which the business has to carry but it has no shelf life and presumably when everything settles down you will eventually spend less than normal on materials as you use it up. Businesses need to think more about contingency planning. There will be no point waiting a couple of weeks and trying to urgently get your usual order, or scrabbling round getting 2 sheets here and 3 sheets there. Well done for making a decision