...except with a firm called Scribd who you have to sign up with.
Thanks that's Interesting, so the old boards shouldn't be smaller, apart from the allowable discrepancy of +/- 2mm. In which case they should measure a minimum of 36mm. Could be explained by two further millimetres of weathering and wear, perhaps?Put 'scribd downloader' into a nearby Google and it will find something useful. Paste the scribd URL into the downloader page, wait a minute and the document will download.
Table 2 of the 1981 edition says 38mm +/- 2mm
Table 3 of the 2009 edition says the same thing.
A reference to the 1970 edition also uses a nominal figure of 38mm.
Possibly simply shrinkage. Scaffold boards are normally strength graded wet, which means they contain a moisture content of 24% or more. In service, even outdoors they'll, at times, lose moisture and shrink. Quite how much they'll shrink is perhaps debatable, but it just might account for a millimetre or two of reduced thickness from when they were made. Slainte.Thanks that's Interesting, so the old boards shouldn't be smaller, apart from the allowable discrepancy of +/- 2mm. In which case they should measure a minimum of 36mm. Could be explained by two further millimetres of weathering and wear, perhaps?