Any Super 8 Film Enthusiasts?

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4 Feb 2014
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My partner has just inherited some Super 8 films and we are trying to find out more about them. We have been looking on eBay and the Interwebs but can't find much.

We have one which is Charlie Chaplin "The Decorator" and can't find out much at all.

Any help or pointers much appreciated.


What do you want to know?
They were really the predecessors of camcorders - a way of taking home movies in colour, though you could get some films in them.
Reel sizes were 50ft (I think or 50m??) and lasted about 3mins (again I think?
They were 8mm shots so quality not that great as it had to be magnified up a great deal using a projector and were normally silent.
I used one from 1976 until 1993 when I replaced it with an analogue camcorder.

I copied mine onto digital tapes and then to DVDs

Your Charlie Chaplin film was a sort of thing you could buy, but needed a projector to show it on wall or screen. If you waanted to keep it, better to have it copied onto a CD, as mentioned above, but it's value is very low and probably not worth doing.

Many years ago I used to make Super 8 video films with Solihull Cine Society (now disbanded). We used to put together scripted films, with soundtracks and get local dramatic groups to audition for parts as well as using some members and produce Midlands competiotion films, which were regular winners in those competitions. The quality of good Super8 was comparable to 16mm film. I still have some of the equipment but most clubs have since closed, unless cnverted to video.

There are usually a number of Super 8 (or dual gauge) projectors for sale on eBay. If you have a number of films, it may be worth buying one to have a look and then re sell it. Hopefully the bulb will last though, they can be a bit expensive!
HTH John