Another scam?

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Paul Newton

Established Member
UKW Supporter
2 Sep 2023
Reaction score
I was recently caught out by Workinger and, too late, searched here to find that other members had warned about them. Unfortunately I may have come across another supplier to avoid --------- I ordered some drill bits from them on 3rd September. The order status on their web site is showing as despatched, but they have not arrived. Their (mobile) telephone number goes straight through to Tesco voicemail. Emails have not been acknowledged or replied to. Has anybody else had dealings with this supplier? Good, bad or indifferent.
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I've seen this website but not bought anything - have to say if "despatch" was made on 3 Sep (a Sunday) and if it's RM then the delay isn't that surprising. The website has a physical address which looks legitimate - you may be jumping the gun with your fear of being scammed. It's probably a one-man-and-a-dog business so give it few more days
I've seen this website but not bought anything - have to say if "despatch" was made on 3 Sep (a Sunday) and if it's RM then the delay isn't that surprising. The website has a physical address which looks legitimate - you may be jumping the gun with your fear of being scammed. It's probably a one-man-and-a-dog business so give it few more days
Thanks robgul - I do hope you are right but it was the lack of responses to my emails and the fact that the phone always goes straight to voicemail that concerned me. I'll report back on progress, if any.
P.S. Barry Bucknell - I can remember him being on television when I was a youngster (a long, long time ago ...)
Talking scam sites came across this place earlier, prices look a bit too good to be true......

Edit: Have deleted because of virus warning
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My AV just picked up on a virus warning and blocked that link.
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------------ doesn't seem to exist on Companies House :cry:
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It would be handy for the non i t skilled members if these rip off sites were listed here- what I mean is I don’t possess the relevant skills to determine if a site is dodgy until I’ve pressed buy . Only when I don’t get the confirmation email do I think something is up , sometimes my bank flag it up as possible fraud but otherwise it’s often too late . I’m no naive but it is easy to get sucked In especially if your item is out of stock everywhere else . Just a thought as a few quid is one thing but hundreds of your hard earned is unthinkable. Also they now have information on you likely to cause you further harm eg phone number. address. Email etc . I only use trusted sites but even these can be cloned and can look extremely convincing.
trust no one........
I used to buy all my mower parts from a supplier in SE bill was always around 2-3k every couple of months.........
last time I visited my card got cloned and a hit of nearly 6k was raised.......

two things
1. got the money back from the bank....
2. I only keep just a £100 in it now.....for big purchases I trasfer the money from somewhere else.....
-------------- doesn't seem to exist on Companies House :cry:

But that isn’t really an indicator of fraud as the site doesn’t portray itself as belonging to a limited company. It looks more likely to be an individual running a business “on the side” of another job to me.
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The address is in ----- which is not far from me - I'm pretty certain the address is a set of smallish industrial units on part of a farm (or maybe where a farm used to be) I think surrounded by fields. From the website it looks to be genuine to me (but it would)
Have you tried filling in the contact form and see what response.
If you don't have any success let me know as I can easily go looksee for you.
Have you left a message on the phone with your phone number and details of your purchase?
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It would be handy for the non i t skilled members if these rip off sites were listed here- what I mean is I don’t possess the relevant skills to determine if a site is dodgy until I’ve pressed buy . Only when I don’t get the confirmation email do I think something is up , sometimes my bank flag it up as possible fraud but otherwise it’s often too late . I’m no naive but it is easy to get sucked In especially if your item is out of stock everywhere else . Just a thought as a few quid is one thing but hundreds of your hard earned is unthinkable. Also they now have information on you likely to cause you further harm eg phone number. address. Email etc . I only use trusted sites but even these can be cloned and can look extremely convincing.
I'm not sure of the implications of listing a firm as rip off/fraudulent and it was genuine perhaps its actionable by the legal guys?
Even with that caveat it would open up the site owners to legal action - site owners are deemed publishers now and would be considered liable for libel…

Like any transaction you do with a real shop, there are things you can / should do to verify a new company you use online, but the obvious one is if it looks to good to be true then it is probably fake!
Even with that caveat it would open up the site owners to legal action - site owners are deemed publishers now and would be considered liable for libel…

Like any transaction you do with a real shop, there are things you can / should do to verify a new company you use online, but the obvious one is if it looks to good to be true then it is probably fake!
Would it? When site after site (some very reputable) lists something as likely to be fraudulent?
I'm not sure of the implications of listing a firm as rip off/fraudulent and it was genuine perhaps its actionable by the legal guys?
I understand but I’m looking at it from a layman’s perspective. Maybe it could be worded in a way that doesn’t directly accuse any individual or company. I’ve seen reviews posted online regarding this subject and the words or language used are “ don’t buy” “ scam company “ “rip off seller” etc and these comments are not removed. Just mho as this topic cuts deep with me as it’s just dishonest and theft ..

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