Another newbie with SILLY questions

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Established Member
28 Jan 2009
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Sunny Ipswich
Hello everyone, I've always found wood turning to be very interesting but never really thought of taking it up...untill now. I have moved into an old victorian house which has the original staircase with quite a few spindles missing, the perfect excuse?

Theres a lathe advertised near me, but the details are very thing as the chap selling seems to know very little about it. before I go look I was wondering what I should look for?
Its bench mount, is 3ft between headstock and tail (which is what I need) is 5 or 6 speed, seems to have a sanding disc at one end, the bed is a single steel tube, it does come with a set of chisels.

Am I completly mad thinking that I can buy something secondhand like this to start with?
Welcome to the forum Matt, don't think your mad mate. Or if you are there are a lot like you. :lol:

As to the lathe you mention I suggest we need a bit more detail before anyone could suggest whether it could be a good buy or not. There is some crap out there, and you can buy some new good starter lathes for a good price. Try and get the name and some more details, you may find someone on here may have one and can let you know how it goes.
The name was the one thing he really didn't know. It is green though
(rolls eyes), I have been lurking for a little while here so think I know the names of most of the starter lathes and I am hoping I might recognise it when I see it.

It is cheap and has been lurking in his garage for a few years. I suspect its not sold due to him not knowing anything about it.

Green ones are best right? ;^ ) I'm off to have a gander on Friday
Hello,and welcome to the forum :D

If it's green,single tube,36" ish between centres,could be the Ferm (used to be sold by screwfix) version of this

Hi mattcullum, and welcome to the forum.
I haven't enough experience to comment on your lathe, but hope you do get one and get as much enjoyment out of woodturning as I am getting.
You'll see some beautiful stuff on here, too.

Malc :D
Hi Matt
Welcome again to the forum. The description sounds very much like an old Myford ML8 (I think it is) but not sure about the `green` unless he`s painted it? I think that had a sanding disc at one end and a tubular bed in any case a nice lathe and if it works ok and the price is right an oldish lathe makes an excellent starter one and if you don`t like turning ( it does get a hold of you :wink: ) then its not broke the bank and when you know what you want from a lathe splash out on something better. Hope that doesn`t sound patronising its not meant to be :?
No offense taken! :D I've just had a quick google around and some of the later ML8's were in green so I'm hopefull that's what it is. In fact I'll
bite his hand off if it is!

I shall report back tomorrow - Thanks to all for taking the time to reply.
Hi matt

Please put your location in your profile - it helps.

Bear in mind that 3 foot between head and tailstocks might not mean 3 foot between centres - it might have been measured without drive and tail centres in place.
Well very dissapointed, it was hardly round the corner and it certainly wasn't an ML8. No idea what is was, but I do know it was rusted to high heaven and very flimsy and poorly made.

There goes my dream of reducing some old timber to wood shavings this weekend. The search continues!

Thanks for everyones advice.


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