Am I being unreasonable here?

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11 Mar 2009
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I do a lot of sport; cycling and windsurfing and used to have an old Toyota Hiace as well as a Peugeot 206. I decided to consolidate the 2 vehicles and purchased a small Citroen Berlingo van.

As I am the man of the house all of the trips to the local recycling center had to be done by me in my Peugeot as my Wife probably has no idea where it is even located!

I contacted the local council to get an exemption permit for my van and was told I was not eligible. The criteria for being eligible for an exemption certificate for a van is as follows.

1. The vehicle cannot be sign written - Check
2. The vehicle cannot be registered to a business - Check
3. You cannot be a tradesman - Check
4. There cannot be another vehicle in the household - Can't check this one as the Wife has her car that I don't use as my insurance only covers me 3rd party if I drive it, and it is always full of her and my daughters horse related apparel.

I have been struggling to understand the relevance of point 4. As far as I am concerned the local council are discriminating against me for choosing to have a van as my private vehicle rather than a car.

As far as I am concerned I should have every right to use my van to take my household related waste to the recycling center. I suspect that there are plenty of tradesman who use estate cars for their business or take their trade waste to the local recycling center in their private car.

The key to stopping trade waste at the recycling center surely is for the staff at the recycling center to keep an eye out for individuals who frequent the establishment on a regular basis and not by having a ridiculous policy relating to having another car in the household.

Interested to hear what others think and would do here as I don't seem to be getting far arguing my point with the bureaucrats at the council.
I for one think you are being reasonable... It's bureaucracy gone crazy!

But then again, I also think that :

- the "preservation of green belt" and kicking the gypsies out of Dale Farm is nothing more than the nimby-ism of the "haves".
- the use of speed cameras and clamping is nothing more than money-making extortion.
- the current motor insurance model is nothing more than a money-making scam concocted by the insurers+lawyers+politicians.
- contrary to what they might say, women must f@rt... albeit silently
WandrinAndy":2me33h6c said:
- contrary to what they might say, women must f@rt... albeit silently

You must be spending your time with a higher class of wrench then me. All the "ladies" I know wouldn't know how to be silent out of any hole.
Hudson Carpentry":2q1k53hc said:
WandrinAndy":2q1k53hc said:
- contrary to what they might say, women must f@rt... albeit silently

You must be spending your time with a higher class of wrench then me. All the "ladies" I know wouldn't know how to be silent out of any hole.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And btw flanajb you are definately not being unreasonable. I don't see the council reasoning at all.

Must check Northumberlands policies. I'd be stuffed as we have 3 vehicles but there isn't any way I would fill the Audi or Mini boot with rubbish when I have a van!
As long as you can provide a reasonable argument that it isn't trade waste then what's the problem? Bl**dy little Hitlers - some of them!

flanajb":3rxhk8kk said:
4. There cannot be another vehicle in the household - Can't check this one as

Sorry mate! Me? I would tick it and stuff them.

It's not like they have the time to double check every form and they have access to the PNC to do a postcode check.

My 2p worth

Dude, that's effing nuts.

What will they do if you walk up? Stop your van a block away, unload the bags into a wheelbarrow, and make the last part on foot.

But it's still crazy.

I think Dibs has the right idea here. Given I have only had the conversations over the phone I am going to see if there is a form I need to complete and I will just tick no to another vehicle in the household and see what happens.

I like to be honest, but sometimes you are better of not being!
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Please be quiet in case Torbay learn of a neighbouring council scheme. (we are only allowed six normal size bags a year)

Bricks, plaster and timber are not household waste either down here.
I'm not allowed to take my Hilux pickup to our "recycling centre", even though it's privately registered and insured.

When it was simply the local tip I could park outside and carry the stuff in. Now it's been upgraded, there is no pedestrian access. Everything has to be brought in by motorised vehicle!

My son has a Vitara with a tow bar so we have built a decent sized trailer, which is allowed, and now we use that.

Stupid, illogical rules and regulations imposed on the people who are legally obliged to foot the bill!
If our timber has been painted it cannot go into household waste and there is a minium charge of £28 even for one piece .
Peter T":g4ogs8ew said:
Stupid, illogical rules and regulations imposed on the people who are legally obliged to foot the bill!
If trade waste was allowed the bill would be very much higher. I guess the rules do have to be a bit arbitrary (and sometimes annoying) as it would be difficult to identify trade versus private.
I dump small amounts of trade waste in my household bin (and next doors if there is room). Otherwise I pay for a skip.
All in all it's a deterrent to waste production and an incentive to recycling, which are good things.

Peter T":g4ogs8ew said:
.....Everything has to be brought in by motorised vehicle!.....
How else? Imagine the traffic jams if everybody barrowed it in across town and country!
flanajb":2595h0pa said:
I think Dibs has the right idea here. Given I have only had the conversations over the phone I am going to see if there is a form I need to complete and I will just tick no to another vehicle in the household and see what happens.

I like to be honest, but sometimes you are better of not being!

Tick the box or dump it on your bonfire loving neighbour. If they ever question it tell them your wife left you after a huge row about waste disposal (homer)
Tom K":fvjm5mip said:
flanajb":fvjm5mip said:
I think Dibs has the right idea here. Given I have only had the conversations over the phone I am going to see if there is a form I need to complete and I will just tick no to another vehicle in the household and see what happens.

I like to be honest, but sometimes you are better of not being!

Tick the box or dump it on your bonfire loving neighbour. If they ever question it tell them your wife left you after a huge row about waste disposal (homer)
Lol! That would be one way to do it.
I suppose we must be spoilt "up Norf" - no charge and they even take asbestos (for non trade), not that I've had the need. Can't really think of anything that they refuse (they might at the smaller centres - but at least one takes everything). Most have a height restriction of about 8 foot - which they can raise if you have a permit. Never seen twincabs or pickups refused entry.

Flanajab - tick the box and see how you go. There will be a form you will need to collect\get - I'd be tempted to go down and get it, fill it in, show the V5, etc. and get the permit. Most jobsworths - like to be so behind a screen of anonymity. Face to face most brick it. LOL!

Let us know how you get on.

With all the comments that have been posted so far, it does not take a genius to work out why the incidence of fly-tipping is on the increase. When councils implement stupid illogical reasons as to why you can not take your own waste to be disposed of responsibly what course of action are you then supposed to take. The recycling centres round my way expect you to put wood in one bin. metal in another. garden waste in another etc there are about 10 different bins for different items and woe betide if you try to sneak the wrong stuff into the wrong bin. As we pay enough in council tax why do they then want extra just to take away rubbish that wont fit in the wheelie bin?
Rant over :x
Sell the Peugeot to your mum for a pound, tick the box, buy it back.
Wow I wish our tip only had 10 different skips. The one in Gloucester must have 20 at least. I've spent a lot of time up there while we've been doing the house up and I have to admit I don't mind sorting the waste. What really bugs me is that they have a fairly large site but all the popular skips like wood, metal and general are crammed into one corner with barely space to swing a cat. How people don't get run over is beyond me. The problem is it makes the whole process stressful so people just dump stuff in general to get out as fast as possible.
- the "preservation of green belt" and kicking the gypsies out of Dale Farm is nothing more than the nimby-ism of the "haves".
- the use of speed cameras and clamping is nothing more than money-making extortion.
- the current motor insurance model is nothing more than a money-making scam concocted by the insurers+lawyers+politicians.

And there was me thinking that life is complex with shades of grey between black and white.

Very few things in life are "nothing more than".

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