Ali Express - Chinese Planer for £50

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17 Jan 2024
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Newbury, UK
I know... You get what you pay for but I am very new to woodworking and don't feel justified yet to spend lots of money on expensive tools.

I spotted a planer on Ali Express which is about £50 (see image below). I can't find any reviews of it, and I wonder if anyone had a look at it and or bought it or has any thoughts?

The pricing of this unit on Ali Express is all over the place. It goes from £39 - £260 so I appreciate that if I would buy it: I may actually never receive it or what's in the picture.

Thanks in advance!

Apologies - Can you elaborate on that? I'm not sure what you mean. (Again I'm very new to all this)
The price is too good to be true. I was being sarcastic asking for helical blades that come on very expensive machines.

As a serious reply you have summed it up in your post. If you have £50 you don’t mind losing then buy it and you have a remote chance of an amazing bargain.

FWIW my dad ordered a load of gem stone cutting kit a while back at stupidly low prices. It all arrived and was accompanied by a note saying the online shop had been filled with the wrong prices. Everything he order was listed with the decimal in the wrong place but because he had paid and the transaction already gone through they sent him all the bits anyway. The moral being sometimes a too good to be true bargain works out
A lunchbox type planer for £40 is great providing you do not expect it to do much. I like how it appears to be in the Makita color of blue but the Makita is an extra £480

You say you are new, so rather than buy something cheap that will not function like the real thing why not buy something that will, you have not said what it is you are interested in doing or making but you can make a lot of things without having any thickneser just by buying wood that has already been sized and planed all round.
Check again. Ali Express (and Temu, and Banggood) all tend to list related items at the price of the cheapest, such as the blades, the rollers, as well as the base unit.

I found your planer thicknesser and the £41.25 price is for the blades only, not the the unit itself. £41.25 really is too good to be true - the actual price is £396.79.

Unfortunately I think you just missed this, which really was a bargain:
Check again. Ali Express (and Temu, and Banggood) all tend to list related items at the price of the cheapest, such as the blades, the rollers, as well as the base unit.

I found your planer thicknesser and the £41.25 price is for the blades only, not the the unit itself. £41.25 really is too good to be true - the actual price is £396.79.

Unfortunately I think you just missed this, which really was a bargain:
I value all your comments and probably will decide against it but I can not see from this listing that it's only the blades. How did you determine that?

Forget that, checking this listing again it has £260 shipping :)
Check again. Ali Express (and Temu, and Banggood) all tend to list related items at the price of the cheapest, such as the blades, the rollers, as well as the base unit.

I found your planer thicknesser and the £41.25 price is for the blades only, not the the unit itself. £41.25 really is too good to be true - the actual price is £396.79.

Unfortunately I think you just missed this, which really was a bargain:

Hmmmm, a comment from a buyer of the Triton thicknesser.............

By MarkDressel on 11th August 2024
"I am very pleased with this product. It enables me to quickly size wood to the dimensions I want. I have even used it to flatten twisted wood by clamping one end of the twisted wood to a similar sized flat piece and passing it through the thicknesser until the top edge was flat. Then using this flat side as the base the other distorted side was planed flat. For the price this is a very valuable tool. It is, however, noisy and some cheap air defenders are needed. "
That is a

Makita 2012NB/2 Thicknesser, So its probable for the blade only. You have to look very close for missleading adverts to con you​

The internet was a wounderful thing when it first came out, Now though greed and criminals its a mine field Why couldnt people leave it alone as it was given free to help us all.
For goodness sake people, this is NOT a scam, it's just a misunderstanding as to how AliExpress works. i.e. "user error"

Each photo/option in the advert is a different item/combination with different pricing. Almost all AliExpress adverts work in exactly the same way; click through the photos and you'll see. It's like what you were told about doing exams: read the question carefully - if you just glance at it and make assumptions, you'll get it wrong.

I've probably bought 100+ items via AliExpress and all bar one arrived safely and on time - the one that didn't was immediately refunded. In my experience, they're actually really good about tracking, refunds and feedback.
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There's a difference between getting what you ordered, and getting what you think you ordered. If you clicked the link and thought you were about to receive a Makita 2012NB2 for ~£40 you're not going to be very happy when only the blades turn up. I've bought quite a bit of stuff from Ali, Bangood, etc., it's always turned up and is generally fine, but caveat emptor is the abiding rule. If it's too good to be true, it's either not good or not true.
Hmmmm, a comment from a buyer of the Triton thicknesser.............

By MarkDressel on 11th August 2024
"I am very pleased with this product…. …..
It is, however, noisy and some cheap air defenders are needed. "

Unfortunately they all are especially at the cheaper end of the market so you will need ear defenders whichever machine you get.
The aforementioned helical heads are quieter but probably out of your budget and still not likely to be quiet enough to use without hearing protection.
Unfortunately they all are especially at the cheaper end of the market so you will need ear defenders whichever machine you get.
The aforementioned helical heads are quieter but probably out of your budget and still not likely to be quiet enough to use without hearing protection.
It was more the fact that the happy customer was somehow passing two lumps of wood clamped together through his thicknesser.
Maybe that was why it was rather noisy…….

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