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I do most of dust related things in the basement room where I have Record Power AC400, a dust collector with fine filter and a vacuum cleaner.

However I also have a small crafts room in my apartment where I mostly use hand tools but also occasionally some electric tools a few times in a year...

If I use something like a drill press for a few dozens of holes with forstner bit or cordless drill and dowel jig  - they do produce some fine dust that might "hang" in that room for a few days and then it eventually settles down on shelves and such. And even if I ventilate the room I still notice something like smell of dust.

Actually, even hand planes produce a lot of that fine dust, especially if I start planing from rough sawn boards or boards after a bandsaw. I saw some people to wear a mask while hand planing on youtube and I kind of tilt in the same direction but that is not very convenient of course...

Was contemplating on building some centrifuge air cleaner inside my hand tool workbench but it is not easy to source a motor for something like that (or like similar to what AC400 has inside).

But would something like household air purifier be enough for that occasional air pollution? Any experiences or thoughts to share?
