In my workshop I have an old record c26. Not used at the moment. It's Ok, but only has a single motor. It is a pain in the backside to keep switching the belt over, then you lose some of the settings if you need to go back. There are various other probs with it. Now thats not to say they cannot be useful, and can be very good to save room, BUT as already has been said, if at all possible go for one with 3 seperate motors.
There is one other real pain with the record one. To adjust the height of the saw blade you have this silly lever you have to literally lever up, now (and I'm sorry I can't quite remember just what part of it - I think it is the actual locking bit) on part of it, it is just a poor cast alloy that snaps so you cannot fix the blade at a correct height easily.
So yes go for one, but go for the best you can. You might still be better of with seperates if you carefully plan the layout.