Established Member
A friend of mine suggested online shopping for my groceries as it saves time for busy guys like ourselves. So with this in mind I thought last week I would try it. So on to Tesco's website and register for tried 5 times to open an account but each time it wouldn't accept my chosen passwords? Undaunted I gave them a call and the guy who was very helpful said it was my postcode that was wrong as they had it logged as a previous address (15 years ago)! he re set it and said everything should be fine now. Three more attempts and I gave up thinking I would try Asda. Registering on their site gave a similar experience refusing to accept my applications stating my e-mail was already registered with them?? I have never used them before? three more attempts and I gave up on them! :evil: Ok, not to be outdone i thought I would try Morrisons as there is one within one mile of my home. On the first page it asked for my postcode to see if they delivered in my area, I punched in in my post code only to be informed they did not deliver to my area! :shock: By this time I was spitting nails but didn't give up and gave Iceland foods a try their page wouldn't load up although i could access the online shop I couldn't load the registering page!! :roll: Fast forward a few days and a shopping spree to my local Lidl to keep me going I thought I would give Iceland a try again and this time got on to the page to register...whoo hooo! here we go I thought and registered without any problems even logging my saver card with them.
Right now to start shopping and save myself time and effort. I picked a few items and put them into my basket and then thought I would have a look how much I had spent so far only to find my basket was empty????
I searched the site trying to find what had happened to my items finding nothing? I logged off and them back on again and gave it another try to no avail! :roll: By this time I was tearing what little hair I have left out and filling the air with expletives! :twisted: So to cut a long story short i now need to go shopping again and will have to pop into PC World to buy a new laptop as they don't like being used as a Frizbee!
ARGHHHHH! So much for time saving! :roll: Sorry guys rant over.