A day in the sun...


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Established Member
7 Jun 2007
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Hello everyone,

Well, not sure about the rest of you, but in Cannock it's been a lovely sunny day! It's days like this I'm glad I don't have a dedicated space yet for working in at home and can enjoy working outdoors! As I'm sure SWIMBO would make sure I kept my mess confined to the workshed space! Anyway, that ain't happened and I've spent most the afternoon in the sun sort-of woodworking, and in between sipping a beer and enjoying a BBQ!

If you saw my bird box post previously, I've made a batch of 6 now, a seventh was made, but that was made by my girlfriends sister who has learning difficulties (who also made the childrens play cot previously posted on the forums) so I've let her keep that for herself. - She was dead proud of it, this time she's progressed onto using the cordless drill.

I have also made a wall-mounted feeding table today, which is again a prototype, to see how well it is recieved before making a batch up. So here it is...


As you may be able to tell..... the piece of wood at the front was an after-thought. I'm thinking that this maybe a little too tall (238mm), so I'm going to consider making the next one an inch or so smaller.

And well, here's all the hard earned beer-soaked, BBQ smelling work lined up from today:


It's not making mega money, but it's doing woodwork in my spare time, making a little bit on the side for myself and it's a nice change from the usual drool of work I do in the week. But above all...... It is my hobby and I enjoy it! :eek:ccasion5:
Do you mean 238mm at the back?
Don't forget some drainage holes at the sides as the food will turn to soup in our weather?

A good days graft Simon, they look the business m8, and nice to hear your 'apprentice/journeygirl' is earning her beer tokens too :)

have you settled on a cost for them yet?
Yes, 238mm at the back, 200mm at the front of the roof, but the base extends a little further out, about an inch....

I am still playing around with the pricing on the bird boxes, this time they are being sold for a much higher price than previously. As the last one's entrance hole wasn't correct in diameter, although the box has been recieved well by the person who brought it - so I sold it for very little.

As for the feeding table, I'm just about to go compare prices before settling on one, although again I think a discount for the prototype maybe appropriate as personally I'm thinking it's too high!

My "apprentice" loves working with me! She cannot go out and work so enjoy's a day on the garden production line! I'm going to get her some surplus materials so she can make herself a starter toolbox next.

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