3D Letter Printing


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2 Jun 2019
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As part of my restoration of a classic motorcycle I would like 3D plastic letters for the number plates. I have a copy of the DVLA font and photo examples of what I’m after for the letters but I have no idea how to create a 3D file that can be used by someone/ 3D printers to create these letters. Can someone help please? Thank you
I did something similar with 3D printed numbers for the new house when I moved. I imported jpeg numbers into my 3D printing software (Designspark Mechanical) and then traced the numbers using the polyline/spline tool to create the outline. Then pull that surface up to the required thickness. I also put mounting standoffs on the back but I guess you'll not need those.
Have fun
Those files Paul linked to are ready to put into a slicer, convert to G-code and print. The only thing I would point out is that the letters would need to be printed in ABS, PETG or similar rather than PLA which deteriorates outside.

I have a printer but personally not something I'd do. Presumably you would have to buy backplates for the letters and you can get the whole lot professionally supplied at not too much expense knowing they comply fully with DVLA regs. If the really old style you can buy pressed steel plates. If you want it to be done right I doubt you'd get that by printing them.
My car isn't classic or vintage but I have personal plates which are 3D gel type I bought around 12 years ago and they've been on 3 cars and are still in good condition. I stands outside and used in all weathers.
We should note that the font for a motorcycle (the stated vehicle in the opening post) is different to that for a car.

I assumed the font was the same just a different size so could be scaled from the STL
The link you provide is for vehicles after 2001. As OP is talking classic bike, and I assume white on black number plate the specification is different. https://www.newreg.co.uk/number-pla...gal Font - Charles,is the Charles Wright font. Shows the requirements for older vehicles
Shows the requirements for older vehicles

Could you compare and contrast the two. I read 64, 10, 10, 30 in one and 64, 10, 11, 30 in the other.

The point is that if the OP wants something correct, the Thingiverse one would benefit from a little due diligence before adoption. Scaling from 79/14 to 64/10 might not be easy to do.
The point is that if the OP wants something correct,

If he wanted something correct it certainly wouldn't be 3D printed plastic numbers on a classic bike, it would be spending a few quid to buy a replica that is close to the original. As said previously, they're not that expensive.
Could you compare and contrast the two. I read 64, 10, 10, 30 in one and 64, 10, 11, 30 in the other.

The point is that if the OP wants something correct, the Thingiverse one would benefit from a little due diligence before adoption. Scaling from 79/14 to 64/10 might not be easy to do.
I use Simplify3D for my printing. I can independently scale in x, y and z.

Why do you assume the Thingiverse models are wrong? Did you check?

I was only offering a suggestion not a guarantee…
Thank you for do many detailed replies. The bike already has a ‘number plate’ on which you either paint white numbers or apply self-adhesive vinyl versions. I would like the pressed aluminium plate but am trying to avoid a plate on a plate. What I was hoping is for a way to create numbers/letters that comply and that will, when applied to the existing black number plate, look as though it is pressed. Alternatively letters like those shown on the thingverse site but that legally comply, are the correct size and are silver.