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It's been a while since I updated this - births and funerals have taken precedence recently...

I still haven't quite finished the corner unit as the toughened glass still hasn't arrived (the glass company finally cancelled all outstanding orders and found another supplier so I should get it next week).  I've now completed both the 3 tier storage unit and the wardrobe but realise i don't have a photo of the finished wardrobe - I'll sort that next weekend.

Construction followed the same principles as for the corner unit, with the addition of a shaped plinth for the storage unit made from solid oak with a 6 mm veneered MDF insert and suitably placed support frame.  I've now been asked to turn some cone shaped handles for the corner and storage unit (this weekend's task).

and the one photo I have of the wardrobe!   Before it was delivered the request came to add a lower rail to maximise the hanging space for baby clothes.  All the drawers were dovetailed and made with 8mm sides and backs and 4mm ply bases, held in via a groove in the front and slips glued to the sides above and below (to increase the bearing surface).

There was also a simple plinth that raised it 120mm off the floor.

That's it!  Started in December and finished in April.

Next job is to put up a floating shelf.
