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  1. E

    Lubricating table saw arbor bearings

    Warm? Warm? In Suffolk?? We are in mid winter here in tropical Nth Qld, min 12 degC, max 27 degC today, a bit on the cool side this morning
  2. E

    Lubricating table saw arbor bearings

    thanks Matt and Bob. Being a newcomer to a table saw, I appreciate learning about the assembly. So the arbor is the bit where the saw blade bolts, and the trunnion is the part which allows the whole assembly to rotate, which alters the angle of the blade. And I am trying to lubricate the...
  3. E

    Lubricating table saw arbor bearings

    Thanks Dave, will update my profile, but my location is shown. I specified the town and State, but forgot to indicate the Country. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi!! the link to the CRC product is:
  4. E

    Lubricating table saw arbor bearings

    I have a 10inch cabinet saw ( like the older Delta units), and I would like to lubricate the sliding bearing of the arbor mechanism shown in the links below. Can anyone advise the best way to do this, as I cannot locate any grease nipples. I was thinking of applying a dry lubricant, like CRC...