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  1. T

    Vibration Research etc

    Hello, Thanks for this information, I was unaware of the potential link to vibration, it is a rabbit hole I will travel down. I'm sorry you are dealing with this condition, I have come across it many times in my line of work and my father in law is also a sufferer (He enjoys a glass or red or...
  2. T

    Vibration Research etc

    Hello, Thanks for the suggestion, I will give this some thought and put something together for a new thread.
  3. T

    Vibration Research etc

    Hello, I'm mostly interested in good quality DA sanders used in a commercial environment. Thank you!
  4. T

    Vibration Research etc

    I'm glad you found a solution that works for you, do you mind sharing what sander you now use?
  5. T

    Vibration Research etc

    A very unfortunate truth, I remember clearly needle-gunning the decks for almost a full month or November up in Scotland, luckily it was a one off! Sorry that your dealing with it, please keep your hands warm and dry and stay away from cheap vibrating tools!!
  6. T

    Vibration Research etc

    Hello, I’m truly sorry to hear you're dealing with this, it’s a shame, I've met many people in similar situations. It’s a difficult issue, and I completely understand. Air tools are indeed a common culprit, especially when used in cold environments as you’ve pointed out. Keeping your hands...
  7. T

    Vibration Research etc

    Hello and thanks for the tip! You're absolutely right and this is certainly an area I am looking into, I have had some good results using similar foam padding, although I haven't found one that will significantly reduce the vibration over the full range of speeds, in fact some prove to make...
  8. T

    Vibration Research etc

    Hello All, I'm a H&S consultant specialising in Harmful Vibration, in particular from power/air tools. In my time in the role, I have tested thousands of tools, there are not many I haven't seen, and tested to death! I have conducted thousands of interviews with techs from all trades and have...