Thanks. This is my feeling. Do you think the planed angled edges would rub the recess edge when opening? I’d use 110 degree inset hinges with some adjustment and a shim on the hinges at corners with gaps. This is what I can’t figure in my head and my experience is pretty limited on the subject.
Thanks. I didn’t think of framing. Not first choice as the recess continues above with shelves I’ll keep open and I’d like to retain those lines but maybe not as much as I’d like to avoid the pain of trying to match doors with off angles.
I’m installing doors in a recess in my home. The doors will be inset. The recess sides are off by 10mm bottom right and top left - it’s an old property and everything is squint. Top shelf is flat. Recess is panelled so shimming seems like a big job. I was thinking about cutting a diagonal on...