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  1. Colin Hovland

    Post a photo of the last thing you turned

    Two Chalumeaux. The forerunner of the modern clarinet. A single reed instrument.
  2. Colin Hovland

    Hello from a grumpy old Yorkshire man

    Hi George. Thanks for the photos, lathe is in great nick. I have made a modification with my lathe to enable adjustment of the toolrest/banjo without the need of a spanner. Remove the T bolts and nuts that hold the banjo, and replace with the domed bolt. The square section underneath the bolt...
  3. Colin Hovland

    Axminster m950 drive centre

    I would suggest using a blowlamp to heat up the adapter, add a little penetrating oil into the gap behind the hex' nut, and see if you can wedge a piece of wood between the the lathe pulley and the casting, then try to unscrew it.
  4. Colin Hovland

    Hello from a grumpy old Yorkshire man

    Hi George. I actually bought a Coronet Major (new one), in1978. I still have it although I'm using a much larger one now, and I only use the Major for holding flutes while I add the finishes to them. I'd like to see your photos when it's ready.
  5. Colin Hovland

    wood turning chisel any ideas what it is?

    Skewchigouge has been around for some years. One of the guys at my club had one, and after I taught him to use a Skew chisel he no longer used it. You could of course regrind it to a skew, or even a point tool, which was re-introduced by John Berkeley, who taught me the skill of hand thread chasing.
  6. Colin Hovland

    Opinions/experience sought...

    It looks like it may be the first lathe that Record Power brought out after they bought out the Coronet Tool Company of Derby. Probably 12" swing over bed and 24" between centres.
  7. Colin Hovland

    First lathe advice

    I would suggest looking for a second hand lathe as you may also find there would probably be various tools included. I would advise you to join a woodturning club in your area to benefit from the experience of other members. Look up the AWGB on google for woodturning clubs.