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  1. MikeB1972

    Benchtop workbench

    The wood threads are birch and the Handles (and tapped blocks) are spalted beech.
  2. MikeB1972

    Hi from Manchester

    Yeah, you've got to watch them, they breed like bunny rabbits.
  3. MikeB1972

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    New here. Last thing I did was a small ash shaker side table. Hand tool only build.
  4. MikeB1972

    Hi from Manchester

    Hi all Hand tool only potterer here, strictly amateur stuff :) Working out of a small boxroom, so try to keep to smallish things, although SWMBO ignores that and keeps adding an ever growing list of things to do (current one is a full kitchen rebuild). This is the workshop, there is about a...
  5. MikeB1972

    Benchtop workbench

    Nice job, looks great. Yours looks a lot better than mine, which was made out of some (probably spruce) dunnage.