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  1. Bumble

    Hello from the Northern island of Japan, where bears roam...

    Hello BC'er, your guess is right! My wife originally comes from these parts and when I first visited years ago immediately thought that if I ever to were relocate, *this* was the destination! Property prices are quite different here than the UK. You need to buy the land, then any building on it...
  2. Bumble

    Hello from the Northern island of Japan, where bears roam...

    Again thanks to all for the welcome! Nice picture sideways! I went out into the garden for half an hour but despite there being hundreds, if not thousands of the blighters flying around, I really struggled to snap anything more than a greyish hazy patch. I managed to get one of the smaller red...
  3. Bumble

    Hello from the Northern island of Japan, where bears roam...

    yup, I think the Z's are back to front; just bumbling along here...
  4. Bumble

    Hello from the Northern island of Japan, where bears roam...

    Cheers to all for the welcome! As I said, it will be a lot more take than give from this user for a while... The biggest problem here is the language; can't read and write (well struggled with *that* one all my life really) and what little Japanese I know, doesn't really communicate well with...
  5. Bumble

    Help with extraction please

    I too have the makita thicknesser and bought the hood to connect to the lvhp extractor. I went to the local plumbers merchant and found a 65x40 coupler and with a bit of masking tape / rubber foam tape made a snug fit. However, I found that just putting a toothpick through the planer somehow...
  6. Bumble

    Hello from the Northern island of Japan, where bears roam...

    Originally from Berkhamsted, I took a wild and crazy decision to relocate to the mountains in Japan four years ago with the idea of starting a woodwork shop. The only experience I have is a little bit of DIY like building a gate for the driveway and rebuilding a bathroom (back in blighty) but...