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  1. Z

    Trying to match a yellowy/ orange oak finish

    Hi all, thanks again for your suggestions, after about 150 samples I've now finally completed the repairs and got it back home. I found using VDB and adding drops of red and yellow dyes gave me the best results from what I tried. I ended up with a match that you wouldn't spot unless you were...
  2. Z

    Trying to match a yellowy/ orange oak finish

    Thanks so much all for the suggestions so far. Incredibly helpful. Will give all options a go and report back. What started as a small project has inevitably turned into something that is taking far longer than I anticipated...!
  3. Z

    Trying to match a yellowy/ orange oak finish

    Hi all, I'm repairing a table for someone who has some matching chairs as part of the set. The original pieces are 10/15 years old and have coloured significantly in the sun. I've tried a whole bunch of samples trying to get somewhere near the yellow/orange that the pieces now are, however...