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  1. J

    The Cheapest Energy So Far

    I went live on Tomato on 1st September:- oh dear, how could this happen? You have to make your own mind up, I'm a newbie with Tomato and it may all go wrong but in my view the savings are too great to ignore and I'm pretty hacked off with Octopus as you know.
  2. J

    Recommendations for low price ultrasonic cleaner for Stihl carburetor

    It's worth taking it apart first, give it a good blast of carb cleaner, especially down the jets, emulsion tube etc. Repeat it 2 or 3 times leaving a few minutes between each blast and then try it again. Stalling on throttle opening usually means weak mixture, if you leave the choke on and then...
  3. J

    The Cheapest Energy So Far

    You can export elsewhere, my export has stayed with Octopus and according to their customer services it can stay there on 15p kWh It doesnt work like that, the readings can still be read by the supplying companies. Correct and no restrictions like with Octopus My export tariff renewed 4 days...
  4. J

    The Cheapest Energy So Far

    Aye thats another way to explain it. Not at all, thank you
  5. J

    The Cheapest Energy So Far

    Understood. It's really that most energy suppliers have two ranges, peak and off peak and Tomato have added a third range kind of mid peak or a discounted period during the conventional peak time. I feel it's useful for many, not for me because I only run on the 5p off peak rate :D
  6. J

    The Cheapest Energy So Far

    What typo did I make? I’m not arguing, merely explaining my viewpoint, I didn’t think the weird tag was called for. You have to remember, I’m a Yorkshireman and:- “Tha can allus tell a Yorkshireman but tha can’t tellim much” 😂😂😂😂
  7. J

    The Cheapest Energy So Far

    Where on earth do you get that idea from? The discounted rate is for the 2 x 2 hour periods. 09:30 to 11:30 and 22:00 to midnight. I would suggest that the later one may be useful to people who have electric heating and want to boost the temperature a little before bed, electric shower before...
  8. J

    Electric vehicles

    I cant think how they would differentiate the car charge load from the house load other than by the car itself or the EVSE. You absolutely should do this, it works so much better and none of the potential downsides (flat 12v battery etc). When I changed my i3 over to Zappi integration, the...
  9. J

    Electric vehicles

    The last I read was theyd managed to get to around 40 seconds with better than unity power gain. They are certainly making progress.
  10. J

    The Cheapest Energy So Far

    Maybe you wouldn't but most other energy companies do. It's certainly some of the lower demand times during the peak time sector. Well, you know where to look o_O
  11. J

    Electric vehicles

    Theres a video on Youtube somewhere of an American modular power station that could be transported by half a dozen lorries or so and provided a substantial amount of power from it's nuclear reactor, this was all back in 1962, surely we can do better by now?
  12. J

    Electric vehicles

    They have indeed and until early 2023 it was unsustainable reaction and needed more energy in than came out. That has all changed now, reactions of several seconds are sustainable and more energy comes out than goes in to the process. I have to take my hat off to the scientists that develop...
  13. J

    The Cheapest Energy So Far

    They use 2 x 2 hour periods where the grid demand isn't as high as the max daily demand. They use 09:30 to 11:30 and 22:00 to midnight to discount the peal price to 13.37p. I would guess that people that don't have solar / battery it will be quite attractive for washing machine, tumble dryer...
  14. J

    Is this getting a bit out of hand? - RSV jabs

    The problem with people who are anti-vax is there actions endanger everyone else by allowing the viruses to survive. Pure coincidence, I just received my invitation for my Covid Booster, Flu and first shingles jab which i have accepted without question. I'm grateful that these drugs are made...
  15. J

    Electric vehicles

    Very true, we have a massive solar farm being constructed here in Lincolnshire and they have now included a massive battery system too. A great project which I did support during meetings which lots of locals objected to. The problem with Hydrogen is it's only 30% efficient, you only get 30% of...
  16. J

    Electric vehicles

    And thats not what was said. Octopus can communicate with SOME cars not all and can stop and start charging as required. They can also communicate with SOME wallboxes and control them in the same way. They do receive data but it cant be used for billing purposes because the devices measuring...
  17. J

    Electric vehicles

    EVSE (wallboxes) and EV's that are approved for use with Intelligent Octopus GO have an API that can be accessed by Octopus. They can adjust mode of operation - charge, charge stop etc. They can see data from the box relating to voltage and charge current and thereby give you some data as a...
  18. J

    Electric vehicles

    Yep, all valid points and I agree. On my doorstep the UK's first experimental Nuclear Fusion plant is being constructed. Fusion will be a good solution IF they can get it to work correctly, no radioactivity at all and loads of energy.
  19. J

    Electric vehicles

    They can see some data but they cannot use it for invoicing, yes they can discount with it but they couldn't charge a premium for it. If for example the government changed the VAT rules for EV charging only this data could not be used for this purpose. Sarcasm not needed really, people do mis...
  20. J

    Electric vehicles

    I used to have that kind of belief too. I spent some time working with an old guy in his 80's, 'George'. We were having a brew and a bacon buttie whilst at a model flying event and the subject got round to power generation. I made a similar statement to what you've just said and I couldn't...