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  1. Stephen Eley

    New, incompetent, advice-needy

    Or even 67.5!!
  2. Stephen Eley

    New, incompetent, advice-needy

    Tom, is scribing where you hold the profile against one of the pieces at an internal angle and jigsaw the waste off? I can see how to do that at 90 degrees, but not 62.5
  3. Stephen Eley

    New, incompetent, advice-needy

    Thank you Peter
  4. Stephen Eley

    New, incompetent, advice-needy

    Hi, I am a (very) amateur woodworker, and I anticipate that most of my posts will be pleas for help! My current project, for example, is to fit bull nose oak skirting around the inside of an octagonal conservatory, and calculating the mitre angles!