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  1. S

    Mending a Table Knife

    I have a stainless steel set of cutlery, in daily use, about 25 years old. One of the knives has been loose at the joint of the blade and handle, to the extent that I have been able to pull it apart. The hollow handle appears to have held some whiteish crumbly type of material, rather like a...
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    Wanted PIR roof screws to timber 150mm

    I used long screws and squares of plywood as washers. I f gd ave them a coat of white primer paint and they are hardly noticeable!
  3. S

    Flooring options for existing workshop

    I used: - equestrian. - Rubber stable mats. - 18 mm. I used Quattro because they were local to me, so that I could collect the mats and save the delivery costs. I would go back to them I I needed more.
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    Interior drill holes

    Having followed this thread, I have bought a Katsu ‘returned’ drill from AIM, via eBay for £37inc postage. Initial impressions are that it is soundly made and will be useful for drilling small holes and that is excellent value for money.
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    Garage / workshop floor

    I would be suspicious about those Halfords mats. I could not see the thickness in their description. You need something 15-20 mm thick to even out the surface irregularities.
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    Garage / workshop floor

    I have used stable mats, they usually come in 1 metre squares , which can be interlocking or 6’ X 4’ rectangles. I used the latter, laid loose but constrained by a brick course all round. Once down they do not move due to their weight and can be cut with a Stanley knife (other brands are...
  7. S

    Circular Saw for cutting Oak Sleepers - recommendations needed

    A member of my ‘men’s shed’ (actually a community shed, as all are welcome) has been making a bench, using softwood 100x 200 x 2.4 m treated sleepers, initially quite wet but drying out, during 2 four hour sessions a week. Legs were 100 x 100. Cross pieces similar, mortised and tenoned together...
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    Circular Saw for cutting Oak Sleepers - recommendations needed

    I am sure that that saw would do the task, although a 36volt saw would be more powerful. If needed do several cuts, eg 18, 36 and 55 mm deep. Personally, I prefer a rear handled circular saw as they can be used one handed (plus a Swanson speed square held in the other hand makes a good, easy to...
  9. S

    Sedgwick or Wadkin planer Thicknesser

    I am on the lookout for a 12” used P/T, quite happy to clean up and refurbish an old machine, as long as it is basically sound. Is there an advantage in a Sedgwick MB over a Wadkin BAOS or vice versa?
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    Porch Pirates

    The police in UK have shot themselves in both feet at the same time. Their exemplary tracking down rioters, collecting evidence to enable the CPS to successfully prosecute shows what can be done. Not to do the same with shoplifters etc shows a lack of will and leadership from the Police and...
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    It's not every day (for Kittyhawk)

    If anyone comments about fast jets flying low overhead, I usually reply: 'Yes, but the bomb racks were empty, so nothing to worry about'.
  12. S

    Floor Pillar Drill Stability

    I have a, new to me, Meddings pillar drill. At present, I do not want to bolt it to my workshop floor, as I am not yet sure of it's best position. While front to back stability appears OK, assuming that it is positioned almost up to a wall, side to side stability is not so good. I am thinking...
  13. S

    Glue or not to glue

    My advice is not to use glue, this allows movement as the wood swells or shrinks with the seasons, equally do not squeeze them tightly together. I was given this advice by my local woodworking workshop, when buying t&g to make external doors.
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    Sedgwick MB PT

    I am on the lookout for a planner thicknesser. I am following an old MB, unfortunately a fair hike away, but that is the price to be paid for living in West Cumbria. It’s number is MBW 553, does this help anyone to date it? It is said to have been sat in a container. Unused for 5 years, I do...
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    Workshop space within an uninsulated Barn

    I have done exactly this. I have a large barn, which used to have cattle cubicles, a tin roof, which rained condensation in frosty weather and Yorkshire boarding sides. Rust was a problem for tools and table saw etc. I built a 11 X 4.2 M inner workshop. First a one brick high plinth on the...
  16. S

    Planer thicknesser mobile cart 600 kilos

    following suggestions above, I have made a mobile base for my table, saw, using Holkie castors, They work well on my rubber stable mat floor. The saw only needs to be moved If I saw 2 metre + lengths of timber, so...
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    Chuck adapter

    Or try HSW diamond tools, they have a large range of adapters and offer a bespoke service
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    Recommended size for new workshop

    I have yet to meet the man or woman who has too big a workshop! Is the 5 X 5m internal or external? What is the construction method? Will the walls be insulated? Will timber be stored in the workshop or elsewhere?
  19. S

    Bolting together 2 x 2 by 4s

    My apologies, I did not take in the desire for headroom. However it raises another question - what is limiting the height, presumably the existing garage ceiling or roof, can this be used to support the new false ceiling?
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    Bolting together 2 x 2 by 4s

    I have used home made I beams, using two of 2400 X 300 mm 11mm OSB, with 50 X 25 X 4800 mm battens glued and nailed each side top and bottom. It could support my weight, 85Kg, mid span, without apparent deflection. Used similarly to your proposed use, to support a light weight ceiling only...