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  1. B

    Trying to help my retired joiner dad

    Hi All Back with an update. Via the 'friend of a friend' route, my sister has found someone willing to take the whole lot for £2000 - and arrange the removal and shipping himself. Thanks for all your input. I think on balance, and based on all your advice, this is a good choice. If we tried to...
  2. B

    Trying to help my retired joiner dad

    Checked with my dad, who says he has got the tooling. Next step is to find a time to clamber round the workshop myself looking for the model designations. :D
  3. B

    Trying to help my retired joiner dad

    I can't overstate how grateful I am for the welcoming and incredibly helpful posts. :) There's been a few mentions of needing the tooling to be worth anything. My lack of knowledge shows in not knowing what that tooling would even consist of, but I will ask my dad about that.
  4. B

    Trying to help my retired joiner dad

    Thanks again all. I definitely recognise the difficulty in finding the right audience to sell them as an individual. I guess I was hoping to hear of a specialist auction for this kind of thing which they could be entered into. Scott & Sargeant replied very quickly (credit to them), but...
  5. B

    Trying to help my retired joiner dad

    Cheers - I've dropped them an email.
  6. B

    Trying to help my retired joiner dad

    They got moved into the current workshop in about 1982. The workshop has a big double door at the side, so they just used a forklift. I was a bit disappointed at that answer (which I didn't know myself until now) to be honest! He was an on-call fireman at the time too, so I had an image in my...
  7. B

    Trying to help my retired joiner dad

    Thanks for the reply! If nothing else, I'm chuffed to know it's interesting machinery, and I know he will be too when I can share this info with him. :) That morticer is about the only one of the machines that I know quite well myself. Reasonably often when he was putting together window...
  8. B

    Trying to help my retired joiner dad

    Here's some more pictures. Sorry they're not great!
  9. B

    Trying to help my retired joiner dad

    Hi All Thanks for the welcome to the forum. I have to admit at this point that I am terrible at all crafty and DIY type activities! I have joined your forum to try to help out my dad. He is a joiner who retired a few years back, and still has a workshop at the back of his house with ancient...