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  1. W

    If you're thinking of emigrating to Europe and you're not so young think again perhaps

    The CIA describes the Nordic nations as socialist states. Feel free to make the case that they are not socialist or that they are not successful (or both), ey_tony. Have at it.
  2. W

    Interesting piece of wood

    Possibly a gall of some kind? Is it oak?
  3. W

    Putty and paint advice for sash windows

    Also, although putty should be paintable after two or three weeks, it is true that it’s likely to be soft enough that it still needs some care. Jabbing the brush into it or poking it with fingers could leave a mark. Brushing with easy strokes should work fine at 2-3 weeks though.
  4. W

    Putty and paint advice for sash windows

    Sorry you’re having a bad time. What brand of putty are you using? 3 weeks should be long enough to make a difference. Oxygen hardens (cures) linseed putty. Heat (temporarily) softens it. If you are working in a highly heated space with little air flow, that might be exacerbating your...
  5. W

    Estate agents for workplaces.

    Could try Savills
  6. W

    Putty and paint advice for sash windows

    Linseed putty hardens with oxygen so increasing air flow around the putty might increase the hardening rate somewhat.
  7. W

    Staining 'oak' filler

    What brand of wax do you use? I’ve only experience of Liberon wax sticks and they soften just enough with hand heat in a heated room / summer conditions. Haven’t yet used in unheated winter conditions though.
  8. W

    Staining 'oak' filler

    Texture of wax fill is key to creating unobtrusive patches in my experience. If you melt the wax so that you have a large shiny flat surface, this attracts the eye more than hand-applied wax with an uneven surface. Try to match the texture of natural wood or knots if possible which can sometimes...
  9. W

    Cop 29

    Do you personally remember scientists telling you in the 70s that we were heading for an ice age Phil? Many of us are old enough to remember the 70s.
  10. W

    Cop 29

    I’ve got no idea if your raw figures are correct, but you seem to have omitted the cost of the gas. The government produces fully loaded cost analyses so you don’t need to do the maths where you multiply a number by two because it’s only windy six months of the year or whatever. Can you point...
  11. W

    anyone tried a slightly larger blade in a Festool 55 tracksaw?

    🤔 If the new blade has a difference between kerf width and plate width that is greater than the old one, won’t the cut move towards the track by half the difference?
  12. W

    Bosch POF 1200 AE stiff plunge clamp release knob

    Yes, it’s a terrible design. I personally found it unworkable long term. Fine adjustment doesn’t have any effect on the operation of this lever. You need the thumbs of Hercules to work this thing. I’d recommend against these Bosch routers because of this.
  13. W


    Yes! I find this to be true. I found them annoying until I submitted to reality and just always use both hands now to clamp (unclamping one handed is usually no problem).
  14. W


    I use the ratchet clamps (specifically the Festool ones) for clamping. Only occasionally for clamping through the holes (usually clamp from the edges where possible), but it’s nice to have the option. Much prefer them to the screw type clamps when the size of the objects being clamped changes often.
  15. W

    Political compass

    One way to shift society to the right would be to release a tool that suggests that right wing positions are actually in the centre. (I could have used “left” instead of “right” in the previous sentence or “authoritarian” or whatever).
  16. W

    Another Ban on the way?

    I’m not saying whether you should or should not burn wood in your own situation. That’s up to you. I’m just saying that your decision to burn is not carbon neutral relative to other decisions you could make. And specifically that this statement “Whatever you do with the wood the amount of...
  17. W

    Another Ban on the way?

    You’re saying that a sustainable forest absorbs X carbon units and the use of the timber emits X carbon units *no matter the use to which the timber is put.* I’m saying that the sustainable forest absorbs X carbon units, but only emits X carbon units when all the wood is burned. When the wood...
  18. W

    Another Ban on the way?

    If you decide to use timber for building instead of burning it, you contribute a different amount of carbon to the atmosphere. If you decide to let timber decay instead of burning it, you contribute a different amount of carbon to the atmosphere. You can make the calculation at the point at...
  19. W

    Another Ban on the way?

    I’m not sure what you mean by (a). Fewer trees growing isn’t clear to me. (I started my comments in response to the suggestion that burning waste wood from sustainable timber was a carbon neutral act). You also need to be careful with the younger trees absorbing more CO2 than older trees thing...
  20. W

    Another Ban on the way?

    “But sustained forestry has already been practiced for 100s of years, so as long as it is growing at the same rate as it is being burned it will be CO2 neutral.” That’s not correct. To understand why consider this: if you burned every last scrap of sustainably produced timber this year, you...