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  1. T

    Another loft insualtion question

    Of course, when I wrote joist, I meant rafter!
  2. T

    Another loft insualtion question

    I would think about insulating the roof itself if you are replacing the structure. When I rebuilt our bungalow we added a higher pitch to give us a whole new floor, effectively doubling it's size, with dormer windows. However, for your house I would, from the outside of the roof, use a permiable...
  3. T

    Small compressor?

    I suspect that your pump produces a pulsatile flow. Filling a tank will give a final pressure of the average output pressure. Filling a tyre through the one way Schrader valve will give you the peak pressure of your pump.
  4. T

    Sir Paul

    I saw the Beatles twice in the early sixties, in Birmingham town hall and again in the Odean. I say SAW, because I never heard a single note due to the screaming girls!
  5. T

    Serif Draw

    I use Serif Drawplus X6 for just about everything, from producing village hall event tickets, banners, programmes, dimensioned architectural drawings and plans for wood projects. It is brilliant, but no longer available, having morphed into a graphic designers tool. If you can get hold of a...
  6. T


    Ahem.....had mine in September! Volunteered for the Oxford vaccine study, so also had to have a multitude of blood and swab tests. It was 50/50 whether I had the real vaccine or a placebo, but when I was offered the vaccine this week, I had to find out if I was already protected. Turns out I was.